Work From Home PLR
Working from home when you’re used to having your own office, or at the very least a cubicle, can be a bit of a challenge. All of a sudden you are in a very different environment that includes your fridge, your washer and dryer, your TV and these days even your kids. You may even be staring down a pile of dirty dishes and the internet goes in and out making virtual meetings a bit of a challenge. In other words, you’re out of your regular work environment, and thus out of your routine and everything you do to stay productive.
To put it another way, you’ll have to learn to deal with internal and external distractions on a completely different level when you start to work from home. Yes, there are also distractions when you’re working in the office. Emails come in, the phone rings, and your boss stops by dropping another project on your desk. At home you’re dealing with a completely different set of distractions because the lines between work and time off blur.
With this content you can show your readers how to work from home while still enjoying life.

This is how we’re going to help you grow your audience, make more money, and stop losing precious time figuring out what to do.
What Are You Waiting For?
You can get all of the Work From Home content listed above for just $27
Here's A Sneak Peek of What You Get...

10 Articles

The Work From Home PLR pack includes 10 professionally written and edited articles on the topic. Use them as blog posts, create a blog post series, or compile them into a short report. There is a lot you can do with this content.
10 Emails

Website content is great, but traffic is king. With these emails, not only can you send traffic to your blog at the press of a button, you are building a relationship with your audience.
The Article Titles Include:
- The Unique Challenges Of Getting Things Done When You’re Working From Home
- Three Tips To Cut Out Distractions When You’re Working From Home
- How To Stay Motivated And Accountable When You’re Working From Home
- Why Working From Home May Increase Your Productivity
- The Importance Of Setting Boundaries When Working From Home
- Carving Out A Workspace When Circumstances Are Less Than Ideal
- Pay Attention To Your Most Productive Hours
- Dealing With Isolation And Mental Health When Working From Home
- Encouraging Collaboration And Innovation While Your Team Is Working From Home
- Setting Up Redundancies To Stay Productive When You’re Working From Home
The Email Subjects Include:
- Tips For Transitioning To A Work From Home Environment
- Top Distractions You’ll Face While Working From Home
- Use This Strategy To Make Every Workday Productive
- Do You Know About SMART Goals?
- How A Timesheet Can Help You Find Your Most Productive Time Of Day
- Creating A Dedicated Work Space - Even When You Don’t Have The Room
- Dealing With Boundary Issues While Working From Home
- My Top Tip For Keeping Your Sanity When Working From Home
- Overcoming Your Biggest Work From Home Challenges
- Do You Have A Technology Backup Plan?
You will also get these 10 Printable Canva Templates
Blog Content Planner

Give away this Blog Content Planner and help your audience reach their goals and achieve serious growth in their business. This editable document makes for a great freebie or part of a paid product. This type of content does really well on Pinterest.
Work Priority Planning Sheet

To achieve meaningful growth, you have to have goals. Without them, how would you measure progress? These beautiful goal setting worksheets will help your customers and subscribers do just that.
And don't forget to use them yourself as well.
Computer Maintenance Checklist

Along with changing your passwords every-so-often it's important to maintain your computer and its files.
Document Backup Reminder Sheet

Backing up your files and knowing where they are becomes important as your business grows. When you know what content, products, etc. you have in your inventory then you have an easier job of reusing and repurposing to increase your profits.

To achieve meaningful growth, you have to have goals. Without them, how would you measure progress? These beautiful goal setting worksheets will help your customers and subscribers do just that. And don't forget to use them yourself as well. Real, lasting change happens when you set goals.
Quarterly Goals

As with all of these checklists, planners, worksheets and journals, they make wonderful freebies and do well on Pinterest. Or set these up as a print on demand item and sell them. This simple, but oh-so-effective quarterly goals worksheet will help you and your audience stay on track and reach your goals - no matter how lofty.
Weekly Planning Sheet

A confused mind does nothing so it just makes sense to add a little bit of planning to your week. This would make a great list builder and viral traffic driver for anyone teaching online business or blogging.
To Do List

A daily To-Do List can help you identify your money making tasks as well as those tasks that you consistently add to the bottom of the list - those are the ones that should likely be outsourced.
Password Security Sheet

If you're old school then making sure your passwords are written down for loved ones in case of emergency is a good thing.
Business Contacts

Add a Business Contact Sheet to your list of printables as a reminder to build your business relationships.
What if you could have a new blog post ready to publish each week? Or better yet what if you have a new lead magnet freebie to share with your current audience each month while adding new leads to your list? That's what Piggy Makes Bank can do for you.
In a perfect world, you’d publish a daily article, create emails to converse with your audience, compile helpful reports, author e-books, provide intriguing downloads for your list growth and keep your social media looking fresh. Right?
That’s an impossible task to ask a solopreneur. Especially if you have a family or another job. It’s an expensive task to ask a start-up and that’s a lot of resources wasted if you’re a large company.
As a content creation agency, our job is to stay ahead of you so you can stay ahead of your audience. We spend oodles of time creating your business daily content so you can spend time strategizing, working with clients, speaking and making money.
Our job is to make the things that will make you successful.
And then instead of trying to figure out what you’re going to create and how, you get to implement and execute and grow and make money.
Why Buy From Piggy Makes Bank?
Susanne Myers & Tracy Roberts have been creating content since 2004. They've combined their creative skills with their marketing skills to create quality pre-written content for savvy business owners.
Here at Piggy Makes Bank they focus on high quality content. Even a brand new entrepreneur can see a huge ROI.
These smaller packs are perfect to create opt-ins, content upgrades, or various other pieces of content to help your audience grow their list and engage their communities.
Each piece of the pack was created to work seamlessly together. That said, they are just as effective when used separately. In other words, you can mix, match, and repurpose to your hearts content.
Save Time
What could you do with extra time every month?
That’s what we want to give you.
At the beginning of every month we want to get you to be hours ahead. As your personal content creation agency, we’re going to get into your hands all the business content you need in a month to converse with your email list, post on social channels, publish on your blog and sell to your audience.
And then instead of trying to figure out what you’re going to create and how, you get to implement and execute and grow and make money
Have you had time to get all the stuff done you need to move your business forward?
Save Money
Having someone create custom content for your site is expensive. And it can be a risky move for a small business. Will you ever recoup the hundreds of dollars you paid that ghost writer?
PLR gives you custom content on a budget. A few edits and tweaks make it unique to your site and perfect for your ideal target audience. Business owners and bloggers have used pre-written content as their secret weapon for years. Isn't it time you gave it a try?
Save Sanity
We want to show you how to give that fun to your audience. And then instead of trying to figure out what you’re going to create and how, you get to implement and execute and grow and make money.
We help you keep them engaged by giving you the tools to engage them.
And then instead of trying to figure out what you’re going to create and how, you get to implement and execute and grow and make money.
What Are You Waiting For?
You can get all of the Work From Home content listed above for just $27
- Can be edited completely and your name put on it.
- Can be used as web content.
- Can be broken down into smaller articles.
- Can be added to an e-course or autoresponder as content.
- Can be added to an ebook / PDF as content.
- Can be given away.
- Can be packaged.
- Can be offered as a bonus.
- Can be added to free membership sites.
- Can be added to paid membership sites
- Can claim full authorship.
- Can be used in your affiliate program to help your affiliates promote your products.
- Can't be submitted to article directories.
- Can't be used in Kindle books
- Can't sell with PLR Rights
- Can't offer Master Resell Rights
- Can't be offered through auction sites
To access your PLR products please log in at with the username and password you choose when you make your purchase.
Once there you simply scroll down to Active Resources, Click on the link to the product you’d like to access and you’ll be taken to the download page