Use PLR Article Packs To Quickly Create a Blog Post Series

One of the biggest challenges most Bloggers face is keeping readers engaged and coming back for more. One of the easiest ways to solve this problem is to create a series of blog posts.

This could be a simple three part series, where you break one long article into three parts, a series that spans over seven to ten days, or even a month long series that consists of thirty individual pieces of content.

How long your series is is entirely up to you. It depends on how much you have to say on a specific topic and of course how your readers respond to it.

Writing a blog post series from scratch can be a lot of work. While it’s a great way to keep readers coming back for more, the actual content doesn’t write itself… unless it does….

A clever way to quickly come up with and implement a blog post series is to start with a pre-written content that you can use as is, or edit as needed.

This type of content is also called PLR (Private Label Rights)content and comes in a variety of different formats or packs.

Article packs work particularly well as the basis for a blog post series. You can use a pack of any size. Most often you’ll find them in packs of 5, 10, or 30 articles and all of those make for a great starting point for a blog post series.

Since all articles are on the same topic, you don’t have to do a lot of work, to turn them into a rocking series of blog posts for your audience.

Before you buy the PLR packs

Or while you’re looking through the pre-written content that you already own, look at the list of topics or titles and find something that works well for your blog and what you have in mind.

If this is your first series of blog post, you may want to start with something small like one of our free packs of five articles, or a handful of articles from any PLR bundle 

Pick the articles you want to include in your blog post series and copy and paste each of them into a new draft post.

This one little step will save you a ton of time when you are ready to launch your series and it’s something we recommend you do on a regular basis.

The next step is something you can do well ahead of time, or each day before you’re ready to publish your post.

Let’s say for example that you want to create a series of 10 blog posts that you plan to publish Monday through Friday over the course of the next two weeks. You have all 10 articles pasted into new drafts – one per blog post.

Next it’s time to edit the content, format it, add some images, and generally make it work for your blog and your readers. You can sit down one day and edit all of them to the point where they are ready to publish, or work on them one at a time each morning before they go live.

Try each method and see what works best for you and your particular workflow. Of course all of this can also be outsourced.

Bonus Tip

If you’re going on vacation, there’s no need to put your blog into vacation mode as well. Instead, use this method to create a blog post series, do all the formatting and editing ahead of time and use the blog feature to schedule blog posts to make sure your readers have something new to read without the need to work during your much deserved vacation.

One of the big benefits of blog post series is that they are all related. Ideally you want your readers to read not just one or two, but all posts in the series.

There are a couple of things you can do to facilitate this.

  • You can link to the previous and next post in the series at the bottom and/or beginning of each post.
  • You can cross link individual posts in the content where it makes sense.
  • You can even add links to all other posts in the series at the bottom.
  • Another great strategy is to create an additional post that includes an introduction and a quick summary of each post with a link to read more. You can then link to this “Table of Content” style post from each individual post in the series.

Try them all and see what gives you the best results.

Before we wrap things up, let’s quickly talk about emails.

We hope you’re already building a list of your blog readers. If not, put this high on your to-do list. Once you have a list of blog readers, you can email them as each blog post in the series is published to make sure they don’t miss a single one.

If you buy one of our PLR packs that include articles and emails, you already have the text for those as well. Copy and paste them into your broadcasts or auto-responders, edit as needed and you’re good to go.

Stay tuned for more great tips to use this PLR including a secret strategy that will help you grow that list of blog readers in record time.

Now, it’s Your Turn

Using PLR you already have (or buy some now) create a blog post series.  When you get it done, send us an email to with a link to your series so we can share your masterpiece with our community!


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