We were excited to host Cindy Bidar on a free workshop style training for our community, and she agreed to let us share the replay with you, too.

She cracked open two of our PLR packs and showed us how easy it is to create an opt-in funnel with a product for sale on the back end–all with done-for-you content.

Here’s what we covered on the call:

  • The must-have elements of a profitable funnel + what you can easily do without
  • The add-on piece that can dramatically improve your profits (without adding a lot of work to your project)
  • How to quickly turn done-for-you content into an automated funnel with a freebie, a follow-up sequence, and a paid product on the back end
  • 10 places to add profits to your new funnel (you’re probably missing at least 3 of these – we were!)
  • The number one consideration when creating an opt-in offer – get this piece right, and the rest will fall into place easily!

Resources Mentioned on the Training

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