So you’re looking for PLR…

…and you come across more than one bundlehow do you decide what to buy?

This may sound a little self serving (and it is), but we suggest you Buy It All.

It doesn’t really matter if the PLR bundles are from the same seller, or if you’re finding good stuff from multiple sites. As long as you’re coming across good content that may work together, buy it all.

Yes, we’re serious and it isn’t just so we can sell you more stuff. It’s about helping you saturate your market and your niche as far and wide as possible. And PLR will help you do that.

What it comes down to is that it takes a lot of content to grow your reach.

You need blog posts, emails, social media posts and images, opt-in reports to grow your list, content to for your video marketing, and of course info products. And writing it all yourself takes time.

PLR allows you to shortcut to the front of the line.

And to make the most of it, you want to buy every piece of quality PLR content on a topic you can get your hands on.

Does that mean you don’t have to write anything original? Of course not, instead your writing will enhance the PLR you’ve got to work with.

Let’s look at an example.

Let’s say you bought Tiffany’s Gardening for Stress Relief Bundle along with the upsells and you’re ready to get into the gardening niche. You may also find some other great gardening content like the Tomato Gardening bundle from Trish at KitchenBloggers and the Loretta’s Herb Gardening Bundle. Next you may head on over to and grab the Vegetable Garden Planning and Small Space Gardening PLR.

Now, save it all in a folder and start extracting and sorting.

For example, the herb gardening bundle would make a great little report that you can use to grow your list. Take some of the ebooks and short reports from Tiffany’s bundle and compile them with the Kitchen PLR content into one large gardening ebook that you can sell to your audience.

Use the articles in Tiffany’s pack and the tomato gardening information from Trish and start posting them on your blog. Since Trish’s bundle also includes a lot of gorgeous photos and an info graphic, start sharing those posts on all your favorite social media sites.

Your funnel could look something like this.
  1. You grow  your reach with the social content you’re sharing all over the place.
  2. From there readers land on your blog and are impressed with your content.
  3. Your next goal is to get them on  your list.
  4. Once you have them there, you can share some of the other gardening content on your site, start a conversation on  your Facebook page, and of course present them with your gardening Ebook.

And since you have a captive audience on your blog and with your list, you can promote all sorts of affiliate offers to them as well.

Start with the product reviews in Tiffany’s bundle and then look for your own. Both physical and digital products will do well in the gardening niche.

Of course this isn’t the only niche this will work in.

Look at what you’re doing right now and go shopping on your favorite PLR sites for quality content. Of course we’d love it if you stopped at to see if one of our PLR packs fits the bill.

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