If you are a work at home parent like me, you often find yourself frustrated when trying to work at home. There are so many distractions – the laundry needs to be done, the dog wants to go out, kids always want something, the phone is ringing, or a neighbor stops by. Try to plan your day so that your frustration is minimal. I am a stay at home mom and work on my eBay business frequently throughout the day.

For example, the hours of 4 – 7 PM are the worst for me. I am starting to get tired because I have been busy since about 7 AM. The kids are coming home from school and want something to eat, about every 5 minutes. They are watching TV and playing video games and making background noise. The kids and their friends are going in and out of the house slamming doors, and just basically being kids. I have to start thinking about dinner, getting my son to ball practice, taking my daughter to dance, and helping with homework. This is also known as “the witching hour.” I don't even try to work on my business during this time. It is just too frustrating with all the noise and distractions.

If you are a stay at home parent, just remind yourself that the kids are one of the reasons you work at home in the first place. I know how it feels to have a pile of business related items on your desk, but you just can't sit down and work because you are too distracted. You want to check your email for sales, write on your blog, answer emails, or work on a new idea.

Just remind yourself that your business will be there later and that your kids come first. Ask yourself this question: 10 years down the road, which will be more important – that email or your relationship with your child?

Suzanne Wells is an eBay Power Seller, eBay consultant, Author of The Stay-at-Home Mom’s Guide to Successful eBay Selling, and mom of 2.

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