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People Are Making Money Online Every Day, Are You?

My first five years online are filled with ups and downs, thankfully in the long run – more ups!  I'm SO thankful for the success I've found in my online business.  It gives me freedom, time with kiddos and hubby and most importantly it more than pays the bills.

I know not everyone finds success like I have and that is a big part of why you're reading this page – I want to share what I've learned and successfully applied with as many moms as possible.  I want YOU to be able to say some day soon that you're thankful for your freedom and paid bills!

I didn't chase the impossible dream of internet riches, I never spent myself into a hole with information products…  I did however waste a lot of time, poking around piles of overwhelming information, dealing with the huge number of biz idea options available and met so many people promising answers that I didn't know if I could trust… I remember how scary it was to be new and so unsure of where to turn.tracy-roberts

If that's where you are today – I'm so glad you're here.

My name is Tracy Roberts and I’ve created a course to help you get started on your journey to creating YOUR successful online business.


Why Should You Learn From Me?

  • I'm a professional mom blogger & affiliate manager  and using my skills, I've been able to use my experiences to leverage opportunities to make more money while being a work-at-home mom.
  • I've learned everything I know at the knee of some of the most successful bloggers & affiliate marketers in the business.
  • I've created several products & participated in many product launches for myself & my clients with great success.
  • and now – armed with a sense of what works for particular target markets, I want to focus on helping other every day moms like YOU, understand and profit from an online business.

Susanne Myers - Affiliate Treasure ChestTracy is the kind of person I wish I had come across back in 2004 when I first got started. Having her by my side, pointing out the best resources for me to use and the right people to follow, would have saved me months of frustration and hundreds of dollars in money spent in the wrong places. I met Tracy back in 2008 through Nicole Dean ( and have relied on her as a friend and accountability partner ever since. She is a great mom and a successful entrepreneur. In other words, she’s someone who’s where you want to be. She’s good at what she does and great at guiding others along the way. She’s a very good judge of character and great at connecting people with exactly what they need to move forward to the next step.~Susanne Myers

Before I go any farther in telling you about my course – are you sure you want to be a blogger?  Believe it or not, some people don't!

In my course, I kick things off by helping you work through some very important YOU issues to make sure you don't make a mistake in choosing the wrong sort of business – which can lead to lost time and money and all kinds of frustration at home.

You'll dig deep into these areas:

  • Discover and understand your work at home personality
  • Uncover and get excited about how your natural gifts & abilities affect your business success.
  • Figure out how to use your existing work history & existing skills to your best advantage.
  • Evaluate your financial needs so you can better plan how to reach your financial goals.
  • The many ways to make money working from home online.

Kelly McCausey- SoloSmarts.comTracy Roberts has been quietly doing everything right for years now. I've watched her helping others build highly successful businesses while juggling a busy home life and it's about time she starts sharing more of her experience with other moms.  Moms who want to make sure they're not wasting their time and money will be glad they decided to pay attention to what Tracy has created for them in the Piggy Makes Bank's Making Money Online resource.  Kelly McCausey-

Once you've nailed this area and you're sure you're not going to chase a bad business idea, you'll move on to the next natural steps for every blogger/online business owner.

  • Create an online presence that makes you shine so that people get to know, like and trust you.
  • Get to know who your target market really is and how to best connect with them.
  • Choose a domain name that speaks to your chosen market.
  • Connect with the best hosting company for your business needs.
  • Unravel the world of WordPress & Themes to make your site easy to work with.

After you've got the basics in place you'll wade into the the nuts & bolts of working your business.

  • Formulate a content creation plan that will become the basis of your money making empire.
  • Design your very own blogging schedule so you'll always have something to “say”.
  • How to create a mailing list so you can keep in touch with your community and how that same list can make you money.
  • Learn how search engines & keywords can help increase your traffic and ultimately make you money.
  • Understand how creating your own ebooks, membership sites & other products is important to your passive income goals.
  • Create an affiliate program so that you have the ability to generate even more income.

Tracy, I am only half way through this course and it is so good! I started my first online business over 10 years ago and sure wish I would have had this sort of guidance then! The hours I would have saved! I know much of the Internet has changed in leaps and bounds over the years and there is a lot of out-dated information out there, but not yours! It's fresh and relevant! The forms and checklists are super great! I struggle with organization so this is huge for me! 🙂 As I said earlier, I'm half way through the course and am actually setting up a new website following your steps. I'll be back in touch to let you know when I go live! 🙂 This course is good for newbies as well as oldies. Lots of great information! Thank you so much!~Camilynn

And that's just the beginning.

discussion-groupHow about Peer Support & Encouragement?  I want you have a safe place where you can feel free to share your victories, your defeats, your dreams & your fears- somewhere you'll encounter support & accountability without judgement- so you'll get access to a Private Facebook Group.

 Are You Ready?

This is a complete get started and make this dream happen ‘how to' for work at home guide.  When you secure your lifetime membership you'll have a no-nonsense/no time wasting/no worries game plan to follow.

Overwhelm and fear of the unknown will be behind you.  You can trust with 100% certainty the tools and people I introduce you to in this course.  They've never steered me wrong!

Are excited about the possibilities for you and your family?  I've got something extra cool to tell you about before you decide on this course:

If you're ready to get started :

One Time Investment = Lifetime Access

I Understand I'm Going to Get:

35 Lessons & Resources
Access to a Private Facebook Group

Click Below to Claim Your FREE Membership

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Our 100% satisfaction 60 day money back guarantee. If you're not satisfied with the product, just let us know within 60 days of your purchase by emailing us at and we'll refund your purchase right away. We're taking all the risk, so you don't have to.

Click Here To Order Now

This product available exclusively via digital download.

 More Testimonials for Tracy & the Moms Making Money Online Resource:

Tina Landa ImageIf you don't know Tracy Robert's of Mom's In A Blog then you don't know what you are missing.  Tracy really cares about helping Moms learn the best things that are available to do from home and work online.  She is really concerned about helping you to succeed and make sure that you know the tools available.  Like me, Tracy spent wasted time, energy and money on the wrong products and following the wrong people only leading to nowhere.  She is honestly here to help you and guide you to a path that is perfect and profitable for you.

There is no magic bullet to working from home, it takes work and dedication.  Tracy showed me lots of practical tools and advice to help me start my online business.  I have learned a lot from Tracy and I love her honest feedback to help me improve my writing skills for content which is so important to an online business.  You really should try out her program and membership site so that you can learn at your own pace and get the information that you need from someone who really cares about your success!~ Tina Landa


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