Let’s talk about using PLR to create a quick bonus for your products or things you’re promoting as an affilaite and what that can do for you. 

Image of a middle aged woman with brown hair in a black shirt sitting at a desk. The words "Using PLR to create a quick Bonus" are written on the screen in white letters on a pink background.Today’s video and this blog post are about how you can take a simple, inexpensive PLR pack and create a quick bonus that you can use in multiple ways.

The purpose of doing this is two-fold. It will help you improve sales and get better conversion rates. It also allows for a better customer experience. This is particularly true if the bonus fills a gap in the product.

Watch this short video tip on using PLR to create a bonus.

Do you have a product that’s selling, but not quite as well as you’d hoped? Or maybe you want to be able to improve your conversion rate. Maybe you would like to raise the price and improve your profit margin. Or do something nice for the customers who gave you your start.

In any of those scenarios, a bonus that compliments your main offers will help.

Sure, you could sit down and create a bonus from scratch. But who has time for that? Why not use PLR instead. You can have a new bonus report, ebook, or mini course ready in a day. Less with a little practice.

Start by looking at PLR on topics related to your main product. Here are some questions you may want to ask yourself:

  • What do my customers need to know before they start my course or read my ebook?
  • What else do they need to know?
  • What’s their next step after they complete my course or finish consuming my product?
  • What will help them consume my content?
  • What one piece is missing in my course that not everyone knows?
  • What’s one quick tip or strategy that will help them get a step closer to their goal?

Find some PLR content that you can use.

Give it a quick tweak and edit. Tie it into your main product if it applies.

Make it look pretty, add a cover, turn it into a downloadable file and hit upload.

Three ways to use these bonuses to your advantage:

The Obvious: Add it as a bonus and advertise this bonus on the sales page when you launch the product.

The Second Chance: Create a quick bonus for an older product to have a good reason to email your list about it again and hopefully get it selling even better than before. Make sure all previous customers get access to the bonus as well.

The Fun Surprise: Create an unannounced bonus and add it to the download area. Make it a surprise for your customers. A thank you for taking a chance on you and supporting you. It’ll build a lot of good will and hopefully customers for life.

Need some PLR to play with? Grab a free sample of our pre-written content.

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