Let’s talk about using a challenge as an excuse to email more frequently. 

Image of a middle aged woman with brown hair in a black shirt sitting at a desk. The words "Use A Challenge To Email More Frequently!" are written on the screen in white letters on a pink background.In today’s video, I’m sharing with you how you can use an email challenge on any topic to engage with your audience, and more importantly use it as a way to get into the habit of emailing more frequently. You and your readers will love this. We’ve used this technique extensively over the years and it’s always a big hit.

Watch this short video tip on how to use an email challenge to mail more and make more.

If you’ve been following us over at PiggyMaksBank.com, you know that Tracy and I love email marketing. We email a lot. Most days, actually. But we didn’t start out that way. I remember a time when we thought email was something you did once a week – at the most. Send out a weekly newsletter. Or email your subscribers only when you have a new product coming out. We did the same in our respective niche businesses.

Then we tried something fun on a homemaking site we owned. We came up with a series of 30 slow cooker recipes and challenged our subscribers to use their slow cooker every single day during the month (I believe it was a November, many, many moons ago). Because we wanted to keep people motivated, and because we had a new recipe to share, we emailed them every single day. For 30 days straight. We may even have done a wrapup on the 31st day. I frankly can’t remember.

And guess what? People didn’t mind. We didn’t have any more unsubscribes than usual. Quite the opposite actually. People looked forward to our emails. They opened them. They engaged with us. They emailed us to tell us how much they appreciated the daily messages and recipe.

If you’ve been thinking about emailing your own list more often, there’s a lot you can do. You can ramp up things slowly. Or you can go all in and run a challenge. The only thing I don’t recommend you do is to start sending random daily emails out of the blue. If you do, there’s a good chance you’ll get some pushback and plenty of people unsubscribing.

Why is a challenge different? Because it gives you a valid reason to show up in their inbox each and every day. It’s not random. It doesn’t feel spammy. You’re there with some helpful tips, advice, and content they appreciate. Sure, a few people will unsubscribe because it isn’t a good fit for them, but in our experience, the vast majority of your subscribers will enjoy it. Even if they don’t actively participate. I can’t venture to guess how many people actually plugged in their crockpot every day, or even cooked more than a couple of the recipes we shared. That doesn’t matter.

They consumed the content and had a positive experience. They learned some new things. They got a collection of 30 recipes to have in their back pocket for those busy nights when getting dinner on the table is a struggle. And they came to expect much more frequent emails from us going forward.

Go ahead and give a challenge a try. We have plenty of PLR that makes it super easy because it includes content you can share on your blog and emails ready to copy and paste. There’s even a handy guide that outlines the entire process we still use to this day when we run a 30 Day Challenge.

And if you’re not quite ready to commit to a full month of blog posts and emails, try one of the free 7 Day Challenge bundles you can find over at Piggy Makes Bank.com. There’s a link in the description or you can go to the home page and scroll down toward the bottom of that page to find them.

Need some PLR to play with? Grab a free sample of our pre-written content.

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