Let’s talk about PLR memberships for a minute. We’re sure you’ve seen them … heck we’ve probably emailed you benefits of plr membershipsabout a few of our favorites if you’re on our list and we’ve recently started our own Self Help PLR Membership. But we’re getting ahead of ourselves here. If you’re new to PLR and using PLR you may be wondering what PLR memberships are.

What Is A PLR Membership?

Basically they are content clubs. You pay a monthly fee and you get a certain amount of PLR products.

Depending on the particular membership you signed up for you may get articles, ebooks, images, checklists or a combination of all of the above. And memberships can be for a mix of PLR or they can be in a particular niche.

Our Self Help PLR membership is a great example. Each month you get 30 articles or blog posts and 30 emails. We provide the content in a variety of different formats and give you some tools to make it easy to implement the content and profit from.

Another great example is our friend Trish over at KitchenBloggers.com. She just started her PLR Club or membership where she’s providing recipes, product reviews, and food images. Perfect if you’re a food blogger or in a niche where you’re also sharing recipes on occasion (think parenting or homemaking blog for example).

The Advantages And Disadvantages Of PLR Memberships

PLR memberships or clubs have some great advantages.  You usually get the PLR at a discount compared to buying a la carte and you often get access to it before it’s made available to everyone else. One of the big disadvantages is that you don’t always know “exactly” what you’ll get and chances are that there’s some content you never would have bought on it’s own and frankly some things that you can’t use.

Overall though, we think PLR memberships are a great thing and we’re currently subscribed to a few for our various niche sites. Of course we highly recommend that you sign up for our Self Help Membership if that content benefits you.

The Obvious, And Not So Obvious Benefits Of PLR Memberships

There are a few very good and maybe not so obvious reasons why we find PLR memberships helpful when it comes to running an online business.

Content makes the web go around and the more content you have out there (be it blog posts, articles, short reports, videos, social media posts.. you name it) the broader your reach grows and the more traffic you can get. Which then turns into subscribers and finally customers (be it your own products or something you promote as an affiliate).

(And speaking of products, info products are nothing more than content. And yes, you can use PLR to create paid products. But that’s a topic for another post.)

Let’s get back o some of the benefits of subscribing to a PLR membership. The obvious benefit is that you get a fresh batch of content each month. That means new blog posts, emails, short reports, and products.

All That Content Helps You Stay Productive 

It also means that this new content encourages you to do something with it and grow your business. After all you paid for this stuff, you should get some work done to at least pay for your membership… and guess what… once you get rolling, you get more productive, do more stuff and well surpass the goal of breaking even. You’re growing your business and you’re bottom line. Spending money on your business can be a great motivator to get you more productive and profitable.

Getting Content You Wouldn’t Usually Pick May Not Be A Bad Thing

We listed getting content that you may not have picked up as one of the disadvantages of PLR memberships, but depending on how you look at it this can be an advantage as well. You may find some articles or a short report in your monthly membership bundle that you would not have picked. But that doesn’t mean your readers won’t enjoy it.

PLR allows you to dive deeper and wider into a particular niche and something that you maybe would not have written or bought on it’s own as a PLR bundle may strike a cord with some of your readers. Publish the content and you may attract new visitors you wouldn’t have gotten otherwise. In other words, a PLR membership can broaden your content horizon.

Think of it like a book of the month club. You may get something you never would have picked yourself, start reading it and find you really like it. And it opens the door to a whole new literary world for you. It can work the same with PLR.

PLR In Different Formats 

Most PLR membership sites offer content in various different forms. And that can be a good thing for you, too. Let’s say that so far you’ve only been buying and using PLR article bundles. You sign up for a membership and suddenly you get not only articles, but also images, emails, short reports, checklists and maybe even videos or power point slides.

These are new content toys for you to play with. Experiment, have fun and see what you can do. Maybe you decide to use those power points to make video tutorials that you can upload to YouTube. Or maybe they are just what you needed to host your first webinar or Google Hangout. The possibilities are almost endless.

Even If You Don’t Use It, It May Spark An Idea 

Last but not least, let’s talk about the content you just can’t use. It will happen. There are going to be some things you just can’t fit into your current marketing plan. And that’s ok. PLR membership site owners realize that and it’s one of the reasons why the PLR content you get in the membership is a lot cheaper than when you buy it a la carte. And that’s ok.

But don’t toss it into your recycle bin just yet. Look through the content. You never know what might spark an idea or inspire you to create something else. Maybe an article headline gives you an idea for your next blog post. Or maybe you love the layout or cover graphic of an Ebook and end up applying it to something else you’ve been working on. Or maybe you can pull a little tip you’re finding in that short report you can’t use that would make the perfect social media post. Who knows… that one little Facebook post may go viral and end up making it all worthwhile.

Let’s warp this post up with a short list of some of our favorite PLR memberships. Take a look, browse around, and if you find something that you can use, sign up and give it a try. If you find yourself not using it as much as you thought you would, you can always cancel down the road.

Our Favorite PLR Membership Sites (in no particular order)

Piggy Makes Bank Self Help Membership 

Each month you get a new content bundle on a different self help topic. This is a meaty pack that will keep your readers engaged for an entire month. It’s a strategy we’ve been successfully using for years on our own niche blogs and these PLR packs include everything you need to do the same… month after month.

Each monthly PLR pack includes:

  • 30 PLR Articles (400+ words)
  • 30 Email Messages
  • Article content compiled into an eBook
  • Bonus: Implementation Guide

Kitchen Bloggers

Each month, Trish gives you delicious recipes, gorgeous food photos, social media graphics

Here’s What You Get…

  • 15 Recipes
  • 50 Photos
  • 1 Cookbook Review
  • 1 Kitchen Product Review
  • 10 Social Media Graphics
  • “21 Tips” Sheet – featuring 21 smart kitchen tips related to current month’s theme
  • Monetization Report – product recommendations and other ideas to make money with this content

Coach Glue

Melissa Ingold & Nicole Dean design and create high-end coaching programs, workshops, and content for business coaches that you can license, brand, and sell to your own clients.  They have few different membership levels to choose from but To keep it simple, every month they release three items.

  • A Teach your Tribe package
  • A big Licensed Coaching Workshop that includes 4 modules, workbooks, and tons of marketing materials for you.
  • A small workbook and checklist.



Alice Seba publishs PLR rights tutorials, tools and more. She specializes in step-by-step tutorials with screenshots to help your readers find products, use products and just get things done.

DIYPL offers a “Choose Your Monthly Membership” plan.  Simply put, you get credits each month that you can spend on their huge library PLR content.  This membership truly puts you in control of choosing your PLR purchases.

All Private Label Content

A partnership between Alice Seba & Melody Spier, All Private Label Content memberships allow you to maximize your marketing with content by providing you fresh content, month after month. Keep your readers informed, grow your search engine traffic and become a trusted resource with one of the following.

They have three membership choices currently:

Marketing PLR Content

Health PLR Content

Self-Improvement PLR Content



Like All Private Label Content, Ronnie Nijmeh’s PLR.me has 2 “Done for You Licensed Content Memberships”

Here’s what you’re getting every month in the Self-Help Content Membership

  • 30 Private Label Articles (minimum 500 words) that covers topics such as healthy living, time management, goal achievement, mental and physical health, and conscious living.
  • 30 Personal Reflection Affirmations that are great for blog posts to inspire and motivate your readers.
  • 20 Inspirational Desktop Wallpapers that can be branded, sold, or given away as a loyalty builder.
  • 5 Action Guides and a Report including checklists, worksheets, and handouts. Sell it, give it away, or do what you like!

The Finance Content Monthly Membership gives you

  • All eBook covers, graphics and images needed to promote the PLR reports as your own.
  • One Monthly 10-20 Page Report on personal finance, money management, credit, and debt topics
  • 10 Personal Finance Articles per month (minimum 500 words)
  • 10 Action Guides, including resource lists, worksheets, summaries, Q&As, cheat sheets and more per month
  • One Video-Ready PowerPoint Presentation per month
  • Access to Private Monthly Mastermind Calls and Downloads

Ruth Pound’s Monthly Internet Marketing Content Club

Ruth offers  a BIG discount on monthly product targeted at bloggers, content marketers and infopreneurs. Each package covers a specific area of online business, from email marketing to social media, productivity and products.

  • Main eBook
  • Editable eCovers in Different Styles
  • Keyword Research on the monthly topic
  • Royalty Free Related Images
  • Bonus “Content Upgrade” (Like A Checklist or Worksheet)
  • 5 Related Articles
  • 5 Emails/ Blog Posts
  • 15 Related Tweets
  • 5 Shareable Social Media Graphics
  • Extra Bonus Monthly Content

Note:  This membership is only open to new members periodically throughout the year.

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