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Get this SPECIAL DEAL Only from Monday, March 15- Friday, March 19, 2021

For the next 5 days you'll be able to purchase these 37 Evergreen, Self Help “Mini” Content Topics for JUST $97

Get over 90% off the public pricing ($999 Value) on this page ONLY


Thousands of articles and blog posts written every day just disappear in our social media environment. The feed is all about what’s new and old stuff…even yesterday’s stuff, rarely resurfaces. Your audience needs you. That’s why it’s important that you are publishing new information for them to consume every week.

We want to help you do that. That’s why IN EACH PACK we give you 5 professionally written articles. You can use them as emails, post them to Medium.com or LinkedIn or Facebook, as blog posts, or as content for your podcast.

We design each pack with a theme, which means the articles are really a 5 day series. Invite them back to your website to read the other articles.

And then instead of looking at a blank screen trying to figure out what you’re going to create and how, losing precious time…you get to start implementing, executing, growing and making money.

It takes work to grow your email list. Real work. Think about all the time you’ve been working and what it took to put together the list you have.

Suppose you want to grow your Medium.com followers this month. How about posting your articles to Medium and then sending an email for each article to your list . . . with links to your Medium.com account. Or Goodreads. Or your Facebook group.

Instead of wondering what to write, just hit send and start growing immediately! We give you 5 emails– one for each article.

If you take away the “stall” that happens when you start creating content, you get to implement and execute and grow and make money right away.

We've also included 5 professionally designed social media friendly graphics

You can use this all of this pre-written content as is or edit it as you see fit. Tweak it to fit your niche and your business requirements. Put your name on it and use it in your overall content marketing strategy.

Here's A Sampling of What You Get…

Now, Let's Take A Sneak Peek Inside Of One Of The Packages Called: “Asking For What You Want.”

Covering 37 powerful topics in the Self Help Niche. Topics like…

  1. 5 Simple Ways to Increase Contentment
  2. Find Your Purpose
  3. Tapping into Your Passion
  4. Exploring Love Languages
  5. Don't Be Afraid to Ask for What You Want
  6. Nurturing Relationships
  7. Making Time for What You Really Want
  8. Cultivating Mindfulness
  9. How to Leave a Toxic Situation
  10. Letting Go of the Guilt
  11. Forgiving and Forgetting
  12. Glass Half Full
  13. Dealing with Disappointment
  14. What Other People Think
  15. Being More Honest
  16. Evaluate Your Life
  17. Ignoring the Noise
  18. Increasing Memory
  19. Freedom of No
  20. Declutter Your Finances
  21. Mentors: Get One, Be One
  22. Avoid Stress and Keep a Joyful Spirit
  23. Stopping Bad Habits
  24. Redeeming the Time
  25. Handling Highly Sensitive People
  26. Breaking the Negative Reaction Habit
  27. Ask for What You Want (similar to but different from 5. Don't Be Afraid To Ask For What You Want)
  28. Overcoming a Frugal Mindset
  29. Sleep Training for Adults
  30. Battling the Blahs
  31. Identifying Toxic People
  32. Adult Play Time: Making Free Time, Me Time
  33. Giving Back: Using Your Gifts to Support Others
  34. Breaking the Blame Game
  35. Being a Better Listener
  36. Hobbies Make Life Fun
  37. Putting Yourself in the Timeout Chair

What's Included In Each of the 37 Packs?

5 Articles

Each PLR pack includes 5 professionally written and edited articles on the topic. Use them as blog posts, create a blog post series, or compile them into a short report. There is a lot  you can do with this content.

5 Emails

Website content is great, but traffic is king. With these emails, not only can you send traffic to your blog at the press of a button, you are building a relationship with your audience.

5 Social Media Posts

Custom written social media posts that go hand-in-hand with each of the articles. Use them to whip up quick Facebook posts, schedule tweets for your posts, or consider combining these little text blurbs with images for your posts and use them on Pinterest or Instagram. No matter how you use them, these social media posts make promoting your content as easy as pie

5 Social Friendly Images

Use them on your social media, in your blog posts or anywhere else where an image makes sense.

That's A Total of:

185 Self Help Articles (74,000+ words)

185 Pre-Written Emails

185 Social Media Posts you can copy/paste

185 Social Media Images

What if you could have a new blog post ready to publish each week? Or better yet what if you have a new lead magnet freebie to share with your current audience each month while adding new leads to your list?  That's what these “mini” bundles can do for you.


In a perfect world, you’d publish a daily article, create emails to converse with your audience, compile helpful reports, author e-books, provide intriguing downloads for your list growth and keep your social media looking fresh. Right?

That’s an impossible task to ask a solopreneur. Especially if you have a family or another job. It’s an expensive task to ask a start-up and that’s a lot of resources wasted if you’re a large company.

As a content creation agency, our job is to stay ahead of you so you can stay ahead of your audience. We spend oodles of time creating your business daily content so you can spend time strategizing, working with clients, speaking and making money.

Our job is to make the things that will make you successful.

And then instead of trying to figure out what you’re going to create and how, you get to implement and execute and grow and make money.

Why Buy From Piggy Makes Bank?

We've been creating content since 2004 and we combined our creative skills with our marketing skills to create quality pre-written content for savvy business owners.

This is the same high quality content you're used to but with smaller content bundles at a low cost. Even a brand new entrepreneur can see a huge ROI.

These smaller packs are perfect to create opt-ins, content upgrades, or various other pieces of content to help your audience grow their list and engage their communities.

To make it quick and easy to implement, these packs will consist of 5 articles along with supporting materials like emails, social media blurbs and social friendly graphic images.

Each piece of the pack was created to work seemlessly together. That said, they are just as effective when used separately. In other words, you can mix, match, and repurpose to your hearts content.

Our Content Will Help You:

Save Time

What could you do with extra time every month? That’s what we want to give you.
At the beginning of every month we want to get you to be hours ahead. As your personal content creation agency, we’re going to get into your hands all the content you need in a month to converse with your email list, post on social channels, publish on your blog and sell to your audience.

And then instead of trying to figure out what you’re going to create and how, you get to implement and execute and grow and make money  Have you had time to get all the stuff done you need to move your business forward?

Save Money

Having someone create custom content for your site is expensive. And it can be a risky move for a small business. Will you ever recoup the hundreds of dollars you paid that ghost writer?

PLR gives you custom content on a budget. A few edits and tweaks make it unique to your site and perfect for your ideal target audience. Business owners and bloggers have used pre-written content as their secret weapon for years. Isn't it time you gave it a try?

Save Sanity

We want to show you how to give that fun to your audience. We help you keep them engaged by giving you the tools to engage them. And then instead of trying to figure out what you’re going to create and how, you get to implement and execute and grow and make money.

Here is a list of all the Self Help topics you get for just $97:



Grab these 37 self-help topics​​​ now…you only have until end of day March 19, 2021


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