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 Build Your List, Grow Your Reach, And Stop Worrying About Constant Content Creation!

Split testing is a way to discover what your customers really want. It’s your job to know who your client is, what they want when they want it, why they want it, and how they want it delivered to them. When you do that, you’ll improve your bottom line exponentially.

The only way to tell if anything you’re doing is working is to look at the metrics. What does the data tell you about your efforts? The data tells you a lot more about what is working and what is not working depending on what you’re testing.

Our 30 Days of A/B Split Testing PLR is designed to teach how to make changes to your marketing while tracking and analyzing the metrics. 

In the content you share helpful tips and advice and to go along with it, emails go out each day that point readers to the new content and challenge them to follow along. With this content bundle, you challenge your readers to start split testing so they understand what is working and what isn’t over the course of a month.

For only $47 you’ll get all this: 30 articles, 30 emails, 30 social media posts and eBook compilation & our handy “How to Run an Email Challenge” Guide

Here’s What’s Inside the 30 Days of A/B Split Testing Challenge PLR Bundle:

30 Emails and 30 Articles

This PLR Bundle includes 30 articles and 30 email messages. Just copy and paste and you’re good to go.

The 30 Days of A/B Split Testing Challenge 

Here’s a quick glance at the 30 titles we have for you inside:[one_half_first]

  • Welcome, And What Exactly Is Split Testing?
  • Why Is Split Testing Important?
  • A Few Basic Variables Anyone Should Split Test
  • Let’s Do Some Math – How Small Changes Can Mean Big Money
  • Simple Ways To Get Started Split Testing
  • What Is A/B Split Testing?
  • What Is Multivariate Testing?
  • When Should You Start Slit Testing?
  • When Should You Stop Split Testing?
  • How Many Transactions Does It Take To Get A Valid Split Test
  • Map Out Your Sales Path To Get Ready For Testing
  • Don’t Forget To Check Abandoned Cart Rates
  • Setting Up And Testing Sales Pages For Different Traffic Sources
  • Testing Different Landing Pages For Sub-Niche Groups
  • Long Sales Letters vs. Short Sales Pages


  • Could Video Help Your Sales Page?
  • Don’t Be Afraid To Test Something Completely Different
  • Getting Split Testing Ideas From Your Competitors
  • Test Highlighting Different Benefits
  • Have You Tested Your Buy Button Yet?
  • A Guarantee Can Improve Your Conversion – Test It!
  • Split Testing Different Testimonials
  • Don’t Forget To Test Price Points And Payment Options
  • The Images You Use Are Important – Test Them
  • Testing An Optin Form On Your Sales Page
  • Split Testing Your Page Layout
  • Test Your CTA Until You Nail It
  • Try Incorporating Social Proof In Your Sales Pages
  • Keep Testing – There’s Always Room For Improvement
  • Let’s Review And Where To Go From Here


30 Social Media Posts

Custom written social media posts that go hand-in-hand with each of the articles. Use them to whip up quick Facebook posts, schedule tweets for your posts, or consider combining these little text blurbs with images for your posts and use them on Pinterest or Instagram. No matter how you use them, these social media posts make promoting your content as easy as pie.

Each day during the challenge your readers will receive a personalized email from you with a link to the daily blog post.

The posts or articles are a good mix of tips and ideas that will inspire your readers to use their free content to build their lists. There are inspirational posts and those with strategies that your readers can take action on right away. It’s a good mix of content that your audience will enjoy. Since the articles also go up on your blog and can be shared via social media, this is a great way to grow your reach and attract new readers.

This could be a free challenge to help you build your list and grow engagement with your readers, or it could be a paid product for an online business owner. The content could also easily be turned into a 30-day group coaching program all about A/B Split Testing.

Post each article on your blog to drive traffic there, or if you prefer, share the tips (or excerpts) on your Facebook page to drive up engagement there.

Along the way, you can, of course, monetize your emails with suggestions for different books, courses and tools.

If you know how to copy and paste, you can set up this 30 days of pre-written content on A/B Split Testing. Keep it free or make it a paid product.

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What If Blogging Isn’t Your Thing?

Not a problem! We’ve compiled the content into a meaty 30 chapter eBook that you can share with your target audience. Use it as an up-sell or bonus for signing up to your list or coaching program. Turn it into a new paid product to build out your funnel, or post the articles on your site with a call to action at the end to sign up to receive the full content package. You get top-notch self-help content that you can quickly customize for your specific target audience and share with them in a variety of different ways. We even include a guide with plenty of ideas to get you started. The only way you won’t benefit and profit from this content is if you let it collect virtual dust on your hard drive.

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BONUS: You’ll Also Get Our “Using An Email Challenge To Grow Your List” Guide

We put together a “how-to” guide to help you implement this PLR and use it to grow your list. Use it for this challenge, but also for any other 15 or 30-day email challenges you may want to run down the road. We’ve even included a section on how to write the content for your challenge yourself. We share everything we do to run and promote these 30-day challenges and grow our lists fast. Frankly, this bonus alone is well worth the price of the entire PLR bundle.

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To recap, you’ll get the full 30 articles as a word document, txt files, and the article content turned into a meaty eBook that you can share as part of the content series, or use as a stand-alone product. You’ll also receive 30 email messages to promote the blog posts.

Get this 30 Days of Pre-Written Content about Split Testing PLUS BONUSES for just $47 – and Start Growing Your List Today! 

 30 Days of “Done for You” Content to help you grow your list & inspire activity in your community.


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