We're always on the lookout for quality business resources and wanted to share with you the gem we've found.

Crissy Herron Gipson from IndieBizChicks.com has written a 48-page ebook called Power Publicity & Promotions that will help you effectively promote your business – even if you have a small budget.

After launching IndieBizChicks.com, Crissy was able to increase her web traffic to over 3,000 (and some other cool stuff) in less than 8 months – spending less than $150.

Covered in the ebook are things like:

  • How to write a press release to get free publicity – including a sample press release & template
  • Free advertising ideas
  • Using article marketing to promote your business
  • Sending query letters to local and national magazines and newspapers
  • Everyone's “scary” topic – networking! (including tips on both “face-to-face” and online social networking)
  • Creating and using a blog to obtain media exposure

Information well worth the $29.95 investment BUT Crissy is such a sweetie that she has agreed to GIVEAWAY a copy of Power Publicity & Promotions to one of our Moms In A Blog Readers.

So, what do you need to do to win this super awesome resource?

  • Leave us a comment telling us WHY you need this resource and what you think it will do for your business?
  • Agree to let us interview you 4 weeks after you've received your copy of Power Publicity & Promotions to tell us how you have actively implemented the the information included in the ebook and how it has impacted your business.
  • You must leave us your name and a valid email (not shown) along with your website in order to be considered.

The Nitty – Gritty

This contest will end at 3pm on Monday, July 28, 2008.

Winner will be chosen by popular vote on Friday, August 1, 2008.

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