This week's interview comes to us courtesy of Leslie Truex of

Helping people work at home since 1998

The Pajama Mama…where every day is casual day!

What made you decide to be a work at home mom?

I had researched working from home right after I was married. I loved the idea of the flexibility and being my own boss. But it wasn't until I had children that I found I really needed that flexibility. I didn't like all the hassles that went with being a working mom and if I could have afforded it, I probably would have started out as a stay-at-home mom. But I needed the money so I searched for ways to work at home.

What is the nature of your business?

I have multiple income streams. I still telecommute part-time as an adoption social worker. I also provide work-at-home information, coaching and speaking through my website

I earn money through advertising and affiliate programs as well as coaching. I sold a book last year (The Work-At-Home Success Bible) that will be published by Adams Media in December and am working on a second book. I have found I like writing and am working on developing that as a more significant income stream. And I have a direct sales business that still sends me money every month even though I haven't been very active in it. My goal is to put more time back into it but I haven't quite created the plan for how I'm going to do that with all my current projects.

What made you decide that particular business?

My work-at-home related income really came about by sharing my experiences in other work-at-home avenues. Before settling on being an infopreneur and coach as well as telecommuting social worker, I sold real estate, did B2B sales, conducted online research, tried biz ops, and a host of other programs. This has given me a wide range of experiences that I use to help people who want to work at home. It think it gives my site and coaching credibility because I'm speaking from experience. I know the challenges and pitfalls. I know the scams and questionable schemes. I know what it takes to succeed.

What has been your biggest challenge?

Time and patience. If I only had one income stream, time wouldn't be a factor. But I can't seem to let any of my projects go and I'm always thinking of new ideas that I want to try. I also would like things to move along faster than the they usually do.

What has been your biggest success?

I feel like the fact that I've been working at home for over 10 years is a success. But I'm also proud of selling a book.

What is the best way you promote your business under $10.00? under $50 worth it at any cost?

I try not to spend any money any more. I have an AdWords account that drives traffic to Work-At-Home Success as a way to build the list. I spend about $75 per month on that. I'm thinking about ending that campaign. Mostly I like to use articles and press releases. They are free and provide more creditability than ads. I do pay for services related to that. I use iSnare now to publish articles. And I bought PR submission software that submits to free PR sites. I also submit articles and PR to Blogging and networking are also regular efforts. And I'm working more on expanding online speaking such as podcast or online radio interviews. So money I spend is usually to support a marketing campaign (ie article distribution service). I don't buy advertising any more.

How do you balance work and family?

My kids are in school, so during the school year I work hard to do all I want to do during the day. I also try to take Friday off as my Mom's Day Out day to give myself some time and get my head back together so I can be a better mom and wife.  During the summer, its a bit harder, but I have a deal with my kids that if I can work until 2 or so, then I'm all theirs. That means I can't sleep in too late, but that's okay because I get more time to play with them. It was much harder when they were younger. I worked in 2 hour shifts and lots of evenings. I try not to work at night anymore.

To what do you attribute your success as a WAHM?

I researched, tried, and when I failed (which I did several times) never gave up.

What impact has blogging made on your career?

I think it has expanded my market. Since it has new information all the time, its a great compliment to the static information on my site. It has help search engine ranking as well. All my new ventures and some old ones I'm revamping are on blogging platforms (WordPress) because its fast and easy, and search engines love them.

Can you recommend any resources for WAHMS who are just starting out, or perhaps trying to make the transition from the workplace?

Well, I can't not toot my own horn. offers lots of great information on affording to come home, choosing a business, finding or creating a work-at-home job and avoiding scams. I post jobs every weekday on my blog (they are fed to the site's home page as well). And, I have a book that is the COMPLETE book on working at home including telecommuting, home business, online and off that will be out in December. Its the book I wish I had when I started out.

There are many good WAHM websites (,,, etc) but I would suggest finding the money to invest in MomMasterminds. Through it women can get tons of information to find and flesh out an income idea, support, feedback, coaching, cheers and more from women who have done it.

What can you tell us about your other ventures?

I have a new blog called Better Living On the Web which covers web based resources to make life better and easier. I'm currently pitching a book on this topic to my publisher.  I own two other sites related to working at home, however, they are undergoing an overhaul as I determine the best way to make use of them ( and This is an example of having too many projects and not enough time. They both offer terrific potential, but aren't doing much right now. I also mentioned that I telecommute still. I'm the supervisor of domestic adoptions for ABC Adoptions in Virginia. I like that I get to keep my feet wet in social work and helping build families.

Is there anything else that you want to share with the readers?

Learn, plan, do!

What is one thing you can't do without in your business?

Fast Internet and iGoogle.

What one thing should be avoided at all costs?

My first thought is scams, but I think you probably mean something else. I think people need to avoid hype and programs that promise fast, easy money. Emotions are important as enthusiasm and excitement help fuel action, however don't let emotions override common sense. Also, avoid working without a plan.

What's the biggest business killer?

Failure to act. Working at home isn't something that you can fit into fleeting free moments. Its needs daily action … the type of action that makes money.

What advice do you wish someone would've shared with you when you first started out?

Working at home isn't so much about what you choose, its whether or not you'll choose to do it. When people look for fast, easy, and cheap, they usually fail because its either a scam or they don't do the work. Because working at home is hard people should focus on something that they have experience in already such as job skills, hobbies, passions, etc. I believe success comes from 1) Deep burning desire (the type that keeps you going when everything is failing); 2) Research and self-education about working at home; 3) Consistent action and 4) Never, ever quitting.

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