This week's interview is with Cindi Matthews of Moomette's Magnificents Olde Towne Shoppes.

When you go to Cindi's site make sure to take your time and look around. Cindi has a ton of information through out her site.

If you have any questions for Cindi just leave them in the comments and we'll be sure to let her know.

What made you decide to be a work at home mom?
I have been working full-time since my youngest daughter, now 21, was age 2. I spend the majority of my day on the internet for research purposes, and want to take this talent and retire and work from home. I completed my B.S. degree online after a lapse of over 20 years, and am quite an advocate of technology. I'd like to be able to stay home, quite the commute, and take care of my grandchildren, while still staying active and making a living.

What is the nature of your business?
I am a collector of Vintage Antiques and Collectibles, and started my online business by opening an eBay store where I quickly became a Power Seller. I've since opened an online ebiz website of my own, where I offer handcrafted unique baby items, home decor, jewelry, gifts, as well as vintage collectibles.

I am also an independent consultant for several companies offering gourmet food items, natural skin care products, mineral makeup and home decor, such as candles.

What made you decide that particular business?
I inherited many vintage collectibles from my grandmother who lived to be over 101, and have an appreciation and eye for fine things. It was a natural for me to progress to looking for items to offer to the general public, who may not readily have access to such items.

What has been your biggest challenge?
My biggest challenge so far has been scheduling time to get my businesses off the ground and running before I actually am able to retire. I still have a full-time job, as well as family responsibilities. I put in at least a full day's worth of work marketing my online business, and taking care of details, after I get home from the office and take care of my home responsibilities.

What has been your biggest success?
I think my biggest success has been the recognition I have received from the eBay Community, and participating as a Moderator on an eBay Forum. I also am well recognized in the blogging community as an authority on WAHM matters, in the short time that I have been blogging.

What is the best way you promote your business under $10.00? under $50 worth it at any cost?
I think the best way to promote one's business for under $10 would be to sign up for a domain, create a blog, and promote through a Free Webs site or similar.

For under $50, one could have a domain name, and an advertisement-free blog or website through a similar hosting site.

How do you balance work and family?
I stay up many hours into the night after my family has gone to bed. I get very little sleep.

To what do you attribute your success as a WAHM?
I consider my success as a WAHM due to the fact that I'm a Baby Boomer, and not exactly a newcomer. I have over 30 years of business experience, both in management and retail. I have a B.S. in Business Administration. I have seen trends come and go, and I recognize all the gimmicks. I can read between the lines when something doesn't seem quite right.

What impact has blogging made on your career?
I have made friends from all over the globe, and can rely on many of them to share their knowledge with me, as well as their errors and successes. It has enabled me to see what other people are exploring, and perhaps if I need to change direction, or develop a new interest.

Can you recommend any resources for WAHMS who are just starting out, or perhaps trying to make the transition from the workplace?
The best start would be do join some WAHM business forums, and ask questions! Fire away with those questions, because many WAHMs are willing to share what they have learned. There are also many excellent blogs. Read, Read, and Read more! Research is the answer.

Is there anything else that you want to share with the readers?
I offer product reviews from the perspective of a Baby Boomer who has seen products come and go. I've seen the improvements on products that were new to market when I was a young mom. As a grandmother, I marvel at what is being offered now, and can usually tell if it's a product that will succeed, or need improvement.

What is one thing you can't do without in your business?
PayPal. I really like the ease and security that PayPal offers. It is a highly recognizable method of secure payment around the globe.

What one thing should be avoided at all costs?
I think people who are dishonest and try to manipulate the system are usually spotted right away. I can tell from forum posts those who try to circumvent the rules and self-promote. I'm a pretty good judge of character.

What's the biggest business killer?
The used-car salesman pitch. I can't stand high-pressure sales, at everyone's expense for the sake of trying to promote a product. If someone is interested, they'll purchase from you without being harassed.

What advice do you wish someone would've shared with you when you first started out?
Find a mentor; ask questions; thank them often.

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