ONLY 50 Copies Will Ever Be Sold
Most of the PLR products we sell have an unlimited number of licenses but we realize that there's a need for content that's not spread far & wide in the world.
Our new limited liscence PLR is a nice compromise between regular PLR and having content ghost written. It's semi-unique, but the price is closer to pre-written content.
You can edit and tweak these article as you see fit for your needs and your audience.
Use them as blog posts, turn them into a lead magnet or short report or use them as part of your next product etc.
The fact that only you'll be one of only 50 people that own this content means there's the potential for less competition
What You'll Get When You Purchase Today
1 of 50 Limited Licenses to 10 Quick & Easy Ways to Relieve Stress
Here are the 10 article titles included:
- Reduce Your Stress by Increasing Your Steps
- Add These Foods to Your Diet to Help Relieve Stress
- Essential Oils that Boost Energy and Kick Stress to the Curb
- Have You Had a Checkup? Your Doctor Is Part of Your Stress Reduction Team
- Put Down the Screen and Pick Up a Good Book
- Effective Self-Care Habits that Target Stress Relief
- Stressed? It May be Time to Get a Pet
- Reduce Stress with One Word- NO!
- Tips to Become More Mindful When It Comes to Stress
- Use the STOP Method to Relive Everyday Stress

You'll also get a synopsis of each article that is perfect to share on your socials or in your emails.

Only fifty copies will ever be sold. When they are gone, they are gone.
No, we won't make any exceptions, but you're welcome to email us if you have a suggestion for a future limited license pack.