eZine Articles is one of the largest business article sites on the internet. Did you know you can submit articles for publication? eZine does not pay you for articles, however, there is a strategy for using this article database to drive traffic to your website or blog.
I have submitted numerous articles to eZine over the past months, and these articles have resulted in almost 10,000 page views. The strategy here is to write an article of about 300 words on a topic that you are knowledgeable about. eZine allows up to 3 links in the last paragraph of your article. As they put it, “The first part of the article is the give, the last part of the article is the take.”
You don't want your article to be a commercial for your website. Give some good information and let the readers know where to find you, your product, or your blog. My articles show up all over the internet (I get Google Alerts about them) and according to my website and blog stat reports, eZine refers about 10 visitors a day. Not a bad way to get traffic.
One final note – eZine does not allow affiliate links. If you are looking for a way to drive traffic to your affiliate programs, it won't work. You can create a blog post or webpage with your affiliate program and send the traffic there. For example, I did a blog post about making money doing product reviews with my affiliate link. Now, I can write an article about “Making Money Doing Product Reviews” and as one of my links, I can link to that blog post with my affiliate link. So, you are indirectly using eZine to promote your affiliate programs.
I just thought of that as I was writing this. Now I am off to eZine to sumbit that article!