We’ve created a 30 Day Challenge you can run to grow your list and inspire activity in your community.

Here’s What’s Inside The 30 Day Forgiveness Challenge 

30 Emails and 30 Articles

Host your own email challenge and keep your readers learning and engaged all month long.

This special Forgiveness Challenge PLR Bundle includes 30 articles  and 30 emails messages. Just copy and paste and you’re good to go.

Here are the article titles included:

  1. Welcome And Why Forgiveness Is A Choice You Make Every Day
  2. What Is Forgiveness?
  3. What Forgiveness Isn’t
  4. Forgiveness Is Important
  5. Why It’s A Bad Idea To Ignore Forgiveness
  6. The Connection Between Forgiveness & Depression
  7. Forgiveness Gives You A False Sense Of Power
  8. The Freeing Feeling Of Forgiveness
  9. Don’t You Think It’s Time To Take Back Control?
  10. Let’s Talk About Forgiving Yourself
  11. The Pain You Give Can’t Cancel Out The Pain You Receive
  12. Forgiveness Is A Decision
  13. Forgiveness Is A Process
  14. This Is What Forgiveness Is Really About
  15. Before You Can Let Go Of The Hurt, You Have To Face It
  16. Starting The Process Of Forgiveness
  17. Journaling Your Forgiveness Journey
  18. Gratitude Can Help You Forgive
  19. Opening A Dialog About Your Anger And Pain
  20. Forgiveness Can Be A Daily Choice
  21. Using Prayer And Mediation To Help Forgive
  22. Don’t Go To Sleep Angry
  23. Talk It Out
  24. Practice Makes Perfect
  25. Count Your Blessings
  26. Be Kind Instead Of Right
  27. Take Responsibility For Your Own Part
  28. Focus On The Growth & Anything Good That’s Happened
  29. Learn To Live In The Present
  30. Reflect On How Far You’ve Come And How Forgiveness Is Changing Your Life For The Better

Each day during the challenge your readers will receive a personalized email from you with a link to the daily blog post about Forgiveness.

The posts or articles are a good mix of tips and ideas that will inspire your readers to work on embracing Forgiveness. There are inspirational posts and those with strategies that your reader can take action on right away (like using meditation or keeping a forgiveness journal). It’s a good mix of content that your audience will enjoy. Since the articles also go up on your blog and can be shared via social media, this is a great way to grow your reach and attract new readers.

This could be a free challenge to help you build your list and grow engagement with your readers, or it could be a paid product for a life coach. The content could also easily be turned into a 30 day group coaching program on finding forgiveness.

Post each article on your blog to drive traffic there, or if you prefer, share the tips (or excerpts) on your Facebook page to drive up engagement there.

Along the way, you can of course monetize your emails with suggestions for different books, courses and tools. We have incorporated some affiliate product suggestions into the emails. Of course you are more than welcome to switch them out for your favorite resources and recommendations.

If you know how to copy and paste, you can set up this 30 day forgiveness challenge. Keep it free or make it a paid product.

Bonus – Using An Email Challenge To Grow Your List 

We put together a “how-to” guide to help you implement this PLR and use it to grow your list. Use it for this challenge, but also for any other 15 or 30 day email challenges you may want to run down the road. We’ve even included a section on how to  write the content for your challenge yourself. We share everything we do to run and promote these 30 day challenges and grow our lists fast. Frankly this bonus alone is well worth the price of the entire PLR bundle.

Get the 30 Day Forgiveness PLR Bundle for $37  and Start Growing Your List Today! 


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