Let’s talk about finding PLR for your niche and how to make sure you have a steady supply of quality pre-written content for your business. 

Image of a middle aged woman with brown hair in a black shirt sitting at a desk. The words "Finding PLR For Your Niche" are written on the screen in white letters on a pink background.Today’s video and this blog post is about finding PLR that’s perfect for your niche. When you’re new to pre-written content it can feel a bit like walking through a minefield, trying to figure out who has quality content and who pushes out stuff that’s sub par.

I’ll share my best tips for finding quality content that’s perfect for your niche and your target audience. Give it a try and let us know what you find.

Watch this short video tip on finding PLR for your niche.

How do you go about finding good PLR for your particular niche? Let’s talk about that for a bit.

I suggest starting with a good list of high quality PLR providers. It will save you a lot of time and effort in the long run and we’ll talk about why you don’t want to buy it in the next video and blog post. We have a resources section on our website

Be flexible when it comes to the topics. I talked in another video about what to do when you think PLR doesn’t work for you and want to echo that here again. You may not find the exact thing you’re looking for, or something that’s perfectly tailored to what you need, but you can make it work and it will still save you tons of time and effort, even if you have to tweak and edit.

Start with a handful of good providers, at least in the beginning. Get a feel for what quality PLR content looks like. Follow the recommendations of those providers. We have a great network of other providers we like and trust and they do as well.

Get on the mailing lists for these providers. They will introduce you to others, who will then introduce you to others and so on. Over time, you’ll build a great network of content providers who are a great fit for your niche.

From there, do your own research. Google PLR content for your niche and look around. Try a sample, or buy something inexpensive so you can judge the quality for yourself. Create your own list of PLR shops and creators that you trust and that work well for you and what you’re doing in your business.

That’s what Tracy and I did back when we were PLR customers. And don’t feel bad when you buy something that’s sub par. We’ve all done it. It’s how we learn and how we can judge what’s good and what’s taking more time to fix than it would to write from scratch.

Need some PLR to play with? Grab a free sample of our pre-written content.

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