You're excited about starting your online business.  You've got a domain name, hosting and your WordPress blog is all set and ready to go.  You've written your first post and you're adding stuff to your side bar and trying to figure out all this money making stuff.

You're going to MAKE. MONEY!


Your mom, co-workers , friends and even your husband have no idea what you're doing besides chasing a dream and they're worried that you're getting taken in by yet another scam – and you get where they're coming from but you have done your research and you know what you're doing this time.

You're going to make money.


You've been blogging for a couple months and you've bought stuff that looked like it would help you get leap years ahead in your business.  It was good information, too but it must've left out some information because the stuff you learned isn't working quite like you thought it would.  You're getting stuck on what to write about.  Your friends and family are asking you if you're making any money yet.

You're gonna make money… day.


Six months in and you haven't made any money and have, in fact, spent more than you probably should have trying to figure out to make money.  You're ready to quit and you know that everyone in your family and all of your friends are going to say They Told You So Again.

Don't Give Up Now Mom!

The truth of the matter is that if you quit now everyone will be right.  Yet another one of your great ideas turned out to be a waste of time and money. Next time you decide to start a business – no matter if it's online, direct sales or patenting your own product – your family & friends won't be behind your dreams because they've lost all respect for your ‘big work at home ideas'.

I know what it's like to move from flop to flop and I've scraped the bottom of the barrel when it comes to burning through the support of my friends and family.  The good news is this:  If you make up your mind now to do things RIGHT – you can earn back their respect.

So, what can you do to get back on track (or get started on the right track)?

#1: Don't be afraid to admit mistakes

There's no shame in making a mistake – the sooner the better!

The truth is that a lot of the people I know with an online business have failed with at least one idea they had.  What's more they are probably  not in the same niche or using the same business model they did when they first started out online.  Make your mistakes, admit to failures and keep things moving forward.

#2: Identify what you would be best suited for as a business.

Just because you've always done something doesn't mean it's the thing you're meant to be doing. If you don't enjoy it, you won't work at it.  If you don't work at it the project will go by the wayside which will lead to scrapping the whole thing. If your passion for projects keep fading, you haven't found ‘the one' yet.

#3: Start over if you need to.

You may want to give up.  You will probably want to quit more than once. Start over if you need and find like-minded people (I  highly recommend Solo Masterminds – it's where I hang out) that understand what you're going through and can offer support and advice.

Finally, treat time, money and your family like precious commodities.

Make sure that you're spending more time on your home and family than you do on your business.  Yes, there will be times when you need to work many hours on a project but don't make that the norm.  Remember, you've started your business because you want a certain lifestyle for your family.

Don't spend money you don't have because you think the course/product/coaching is the next magic bullet.  You will spend money, sure, but don't use the grocery budget to fund your dreams.  Instead think of other things you can do to make money in the meantime.

If you keep your priorities in order and never make your friends and family feel like they have to take a back seat to your dreams, they'll be a lot more supportive of them in the long run.

Moms Making Money OnlineLearn how to avoid other possible roadblocks to success with Moms Making Money Online, my complete get started and make this dream happen ‘how to’ guide for work at home moms or those that want to be.

Click here to get Moms making Money Online




P.S.  If you're struggling to make money with your blog then CLICK HERE for details on how to get on the right track

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