I’ve shared with you 10 different ways to come up with content ideas.

One of them was to doodle.

I actually do that quite a bit and thought I’d share exactly what I do with you.

Depending on what mood I’m in and whether or not I want to be tied to my computer, I either doodle “virtually” with the help of a free mind mapping program called Freemind, or I do it the old-fashioned way with a piece of paper and a pen, pencil, crayon … whatever I can find laying around 🙂 (or in today’s case the hotel stationary).

Let me show you an example of each.

The Mind Map Doodle



Paper Doodle

I drew this one on the back of the little hotel notepad this morning, just coming up with ideas for future blog posts and articles about wordpress plugins. Please excuse the handwriting.

Go ahead….

….Give it a try

Then, come back and let us know how you did.

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