Today I wanted to share the Money Mindset to Make You Soar Workshop from Coach Glue but then they went and released a new Planner about Affiliate Marketing.  I have to tell you that I was a little torn about which one to share with you so I decided to take a few minutes to think about which I thought would benefit you most.  While I was thinking I had a little chat with Susanne about what we’re downloading this month from Coach Glue and guess what….

If you guessed that there’s a way for you to get both the Money Mindset to Make You Soar Workshop ($297 value) and the Affiliate Marketing Planner ($37 value) AND 7 Ways to Add More Subscribers to Your List this Month Teleclass ($97 value) then you guessed correctly.  For just $97 you can get all 3 of these with the Coach Glue All Access Monthly Option.

Susanne and I are members and here are a few reasons that helped us make that decision.  

  • First and foremost, we know that Nicole & Melisa are experts in online business and only put out quality products.
  • Second, there are topics, tactics & ideas that we want to mirror so we’ll be consuming every product we download so we can learn – ongoing education is important in our business.
  • Finally, these products are PLR so we can share with our customers making back our investment in short order

If you’d like to become a VIP Member for only $97/month you’ll Get Instant Access to EVERYTHING I mentioned above AND You’ll Get a New Workshop + Planner or Workbook + Teach Your Tribe Kit Every Month!  Click Here to Sign Up.

Take a month and look at what they have to offer.  Use the information to take action in your own business and then brand them as your own and sell them to your customers.  If after the first month you think it’s not worth the time & effort (because it’s definitely worth the money) then cancel your membership – no harm, no foul.  There are very informative FAQ’s at the bottom of the sales page.  

Let’s talk content for a moment.  Money mindset can be a huge deal for business owners.  For a long time I held my own self back because I was afraid to succeed.  This might sound silly but I was afraid.  What if I made a million dollars and didn’t plan for my taxes?  Who wants that headache, right?!  I was stuck in my poverty mentality.  I’m happy to say that I’ve overcome that way of thinking but it took quite a few years.  Now, I’m just waiting to the zeros to start adding up. 😀

Some of those zeros will appear because we’ve intentionally created a business that continues working over and over after we’ve implemented it and we used Affiliate Marketing to help us do that.  Having a planner that helps with that arm of your income is an amazing tool!

Even more zeros will appear as new people are added to our list.  Can you begin to see how this all fits together?

I’m sure I’ve rambled enough so here’s the link to go sign up.  If you have questions on how to implement everything let the ladies at Coach Glue know.  They’ll be happy to help.  Susanne & I are both here for you, too.

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