We’ve had a chance to dig into the DFY (Done For You) Templates we’ve been telling you about. They are officially available and to be blunt, Alice and Ron are the king and queen of over-delivery. Yeah, yeah… that sounds like a lot of hype and CTA bull (excuse the language), but this is a lot more than some fill in the blank templates or checklists.

Instead it’s more like someone handing you the templates they use in their own business along with extensive notes on how to use them. And an entire training document on the topic to go along with it. Susanne shot a little review video this morning. Take a look.

Here’s a quick recap:

We love these templates. They are a great time saver for experienced marketers and make it easy to outsource. For beginners they are a treasure trove of information and easy to implement with suggestions and the monthly guide that comes with it.

May is all about Growing Your Mailing List 

Part 1 – The Guide

Each month you get an insiders marketing guide full of tips and strategies.

This month’s issue had some great info on why growing your mailing list is important, a quick rundown of each of the template and where/ how to use it, and then some great marketing advice including “The Anatomy Of A Winning Email” and lots and lots of email content ideas.

Part 2 – The Templates

A total of 5 “meaty” template worksheets:

  • Lead Magnet / Free Report
  • Optin Page
  • Optin Video (cool idea – script included)
  • Thank You Page
  • Thank You Email

These templates make it easy to not only grow your list but also connect with your reader right away and start building that relationship.

I shared two different templates in the video that Alice was kind enough to let us share with PMB readers. You can download them here (zip) and start using them yourself.

Done For You Marketing Templates Options:

You have a couple of different options when you get to the sales page over at https://piggymakesbank.com/dfytemplates

Private Rights – Use these templates for yourself in your own business. Or hand them to your team or VA. Perfect for outsourcing tasks.

Developer Rights – If you’re a VA doing work for clients, this is the option for you.

Resell Rights – Sell these templates to your clients, edit them and hand them to your coaching clients, or add the templates to your paid membership sites.

DFY Marketing and Strategy Templates by Alice Seba and Ron Douglas


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