Small and funny pink piglet in pen

Tracy and I are having a lot of fun sharing great content from other bloggers with you through content curation. We’re glad the post yesterday about how often you should post on Facebook was so well received.

We’ve also gotten quite a few questions about what this curation thing is. Beth Kanter over at is sharing a Blog Curation Primer where she addresses the following:

  • What is Content Curation?
  • Why is Content Curation Valuable?
  • Content Curation Provides Value from the Inside Out
  • The Three S’s of Content Curation: Seek, Sense, Share
  • Getting Started
  • Here’s a few curation tools that are easy to get started


I enjoyed her exploration on how to curate and the tools she shared. We’re currently doing everything manually, but are looking forward to giving some of these tools a try.

It’s a great read and will give you some interesting insights into the benefits of doing these types of blog posts (both from a blogger and a reader’s perspective).

Take a read and let us know how you like her post. And of course if you have any other questions on the topic, leave us a comment with those as well.

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