Let’s talk about how you can create a lead magnet fast and easy. 

Image of a middle aged woman with brown hair in a black shirt sitting at a desk. The words "Put A Lead Magnet Together Quickly" are written on the screen in white letters on a pink background.

In this series we talk about the importance of building your list quite a few times. It’s always our main focus here at Piggy Makes Bank and it’s a big reason why our business is succesful. One of the pieces to the puzzle is fresh lead magnets.

Putting a new lead magnet together doesn’t have to be hard. If you start with PLR, it can come together quickly.

Watch this short video tip on how to create a lead magnet fast and easy.

Here’s a secret. You can never ever have enough new lead magnets. 


People get tired of and go blind to your list building offer. 

Solution: A new lead magnet. 

People respond to different things. You never know what will grab someone’s attention. Not every topic will appeal to every person who makes up part of your target market. 

Solution: More lead magnets. 

Your target audience is made up of different segments. You want to (eventually) appeal to all of them. But not every topic lends itself to each segment or sub-niche. 

Solution: More lead magnets. 

Do you see a theme here? 

Ideally you want to come out with a new lead magnet every couple of weeks. That sounds like a lot of work, doesn’t it? 

Here’s the good news. With a little practice, you can throw together a new lead magnet in an hour or two. The secret is to start with existing content. This can be things you’ve already written like blog posts, or an excerpt from a paid product, or it can be PLR. 

Format it, using a template you create once that has things like copyright, about the author, and recommended resources information in it along with preset formatting. Copy and paste your info, give it a light edit if needed and add an intro and you’re done. 

You can use the same email funnel and create a new opt-in form for this offer. On your download page and in your welcome email deliver this new lead magnet along with any other one you’ve created. Easy peasy.

Or spend a little more time setting up a separate funnel and email segment where it makes sense. The most important part is to add to your funnel and your list of lead magnets regularly.

Need some PLR to play with? Grab a free sample of our pre-written content.

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