Let’s talk about combining PLR from different sources to create something brand new and exciting for your audience.

Image of a middle aged woman with brown hair in a black shirt sitting at a desk. The words "How To Combine PLR Content" are written on the screen in white letters on a pink background.Today’s video and this blog post is a rundown of my process for combining plr from different sources. Often one pack isn’t enough to create a new info product or course.

The good news is that you can mix and match PLR packs that are thematically related and create something new and exciting. You can combine PLR packs from different providers, or stick with the same one. Then follow the simple step-by-step process I outline here to turn it into a cohesive piece of long-form content. That could be an ebook, a report, or even an entire course on the topic of  your choice.

Watch this short video tip on combining plr content from different sources to create something new.

Using PLR as a starting point for your next course, membership, or eBook is a great idea. But what do you do when you can’t find something that entails everything you wanted to include? Or when your typical 10 or 30 article pack isn’t quite enough?

Don’t feel that you’re limited to using just one PLR pack. You can combine different packs from the same, or different sources to create exactly what you need. Here’s my process for doing this.

Step One – Determine the Scope For Your Project

What do you want to cover and in how much detail? What supplemental information or content do you need?

Step Two – Find PLR That Might Work And Narrow Down Your Choices.

Look around and see what you can find to work with. You probably won’t find the perfect fit, but something close enough to work with. Narrow down your choice and find the packs that are the best fit. They can all be from the same provider or from different providers. Whatever it takes to cover the majority of the content you want to share. You can also let your findings drive the details of your project.

Step Three – Download and Organize

Download what you’ve decided to purchase. Put it all into one place and organize. Everything in one folder is a good start. From there, where it makes sense, copy and paste everything into one document. Google Docs work great for this and allow you to continue to work on this project across multiple computers and devices.

Step Four – Consistent Formatting

Go through and make sure you’re using the same font and font size throughout the entire document. We create document templates for all parts of our businesses and then paste straight into them.

Step Five – Edit For Tone

Run through the document and quickly edit to make sure the tone is consistent and reflects your voice. It’s easy to get sucked in and spend way too much time on this. Don’t rewrite the whole thing. Change a few key expressions and move on. A good tip, especially in the beginning is to set a timer to force yourself to move quickly and efficiently.

Step Six – Fill In The Blanks

Is there anything that isn’t covered in the PLR? Do you need to create transitions from one section to the next? This is also a good time to add an introduction, about the author page, and where applicable, a recommended resources section.

Step Seven – Polish and Publish

Give it one last polish. Add some graphics, tweak the language, make it pretty. And then publish and move on.

Need some PLR to play with? Grab a free sample of our pre-written content.

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