Do you ever wonder about using PLR and SEO? Or maybe you’re asking yourself if you can get PLR to rank.

Are you worried about duplicate content, or not being able to rank a post that started out as a piece of pre-written content like one of the articles from us here at Piggy Makes Bank?

Let me put your mind at ease. We’ve been able to rank PLR content and get steady streams of SEO traffic since before we started creating PLR content. And quite a few of our clients have just as much success.


You’re not the only one wondering about this. We get this question a lot. It always sounds something like this:

“if anyone can buy the same PLR […] how does that affect our SEO? “

This one is a direct quote from an email we answered this week. I thought I’d share our reply with you here. I also recorded a short video where I go into a little more detail and walk you through the steps we take to add PLR content (or any content for that matter) to our niche sites and give it a great shot at ranking in the search engines.

Can You Get PLR To Rank Video

Yes, other people can buy and use the same content.

No, it isn’t usually an issue regarding SEO.

We’ve used PLR for years (and still do), and some of our best ranked pages started out as PLR.

There are a couple of reasons why this works.

1.  People are buying and using PLR for a wide variety of reasons. Getting content to rank is only one of them. So few people will use the exact same articles for that purpose.

2.  You are going to do your own keyword research. The chances that you and someone else pick the exact same keyword are slim. Then you are going to tweak the content to optimize for your chosen keywords. This alone will start to make the content unique. The rest of your page (headers, sidebars, CTA etc.) make it even more so.

3.  When you are adding content to your site, you’re not just optimizing for search engines. You’re also making it appealing to your particular target audience which is different from those of other buyers. You’ll be tweaking the article to speak to them, doing some light formatting like adding subheadings for example, and creating your own images and graphics. All of this adds to the uniqueness of your content, while also helping with SEO.

How To Optimize PLR Content For SEO

  1. Find a long-tail key phrase you want to rank for.
  2. Rework the title of the article to include the key phrase.
  3. Edit the article to speak to your target audience and work the key phrase into the first paragraph and again once more later in the content.
  4. Create an image or graphic for your post. Use the key phrase or keyword in the file name and alt tag where possible.
  5. Use your keyword as part of your headlines, subheadings, or put it in bold text once.
  6. Make sure the keyword is part of your url. Look at this page and the url as an example. Can you guess what keyword / key phrase we are going after?
  7. Create a few links to your new content from other posts on your site.

Why bother getting content to rank in the top search engines?

Because your target audience uses search engines, every day, to find the information they are looking for. In fact, according to these SEO statistics, Google received 2.3 trillion searches last year.
Ready to give PLR a try? Start with the Make Over Your Morning FREE PLR mentioned in the video or one of our other free packs here.
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