Let’s talk about the advantages of building a membership with PLR content. 

Image of a middle aged woman with brown hair in a black shirt sitting at a desk. The words "Building A Membership With PLR Content" are written on the screen in white letters on a pink background.Today’s video and this blog post are about building a membership using PLR content. Tracy and I both love the membership model because of the recurring income it generates month after month.

It gives us a great sense of security knowing that there’s a certain amount of money coming in each month, no matter what. And it’s good for our customers too. Not only do they get a great deal on our pre-written content, but they know they will have new content coming in. And some of them use it to build their own memberships. Let’s chat about that a little bit today.

Watch this short video tip on building a membership site with PLR content.

I’ve been running membership sites since 2006 and Tracy has almost as long. We’ve had them for a variety of different businesses in all sorts of different niches. And of course we have them now as PLR sellers.

Having a membership has some big benefits for both you as an online business owner as well as for your customers, clients or students.

The big benefits for the membership site creator is a steady stream of income. It’s nice to know what kind of money you can count on each month. I don’t know about you, but it makes me sleep better at night, knowing that no matter what, my mortgage and groceries are covered.

It’s also nice as a product creator. I know what we need to create and provide to our members each month. It takes away a lot of the uncertainty that comes with running an online business, especially a content based one.

Customers love membership sites for similar reasons. They get access to content on a regular basis that helps them improve and grow. Membership sites are often more affordable than buying courses or products a la carte.

I still subscribe to quite a few memberships. I like knowing that the content will be there waiting for me when I’m ready to dive in to learn more.

As a business owner and content provider, the biggest issue I’ve come across when it comes to membership content, it’s burnout. It can be draining when you have to create all this content from scratch, month after month, while also marketing the membership, fielding member questions etc. It’s a lot.

That’s why it’s nice to start with PLR content. Make it the core of your membership. Find a monthly PLR membership that provides you with the content you need. Then come up with a system of editing and tweaking that works for you. Add value. Turn it into what your audience wants and needs. But don’t start completely from scratch each month.

Bonus Tip: Get ahead on your content, either before you start your membership, or double up until you are a few months ahead. It buys you some breathing room when things get busy, or crazy, or you can’t create fresh content during a given month. Heck, you might even be able to take a much deserved break every once in a while.

Need some PLR to play with? Grab a free sample of our pre-written content.

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