Welcome BC Stack 2022 Customers 

Get this SPECIAL DEAL from June 13 – 19 Only 

For just 7 days you'll be able to grab these 6 Evergreen Trainings (plus bonuses!) for JUST $97 TOTALLY FREE when you use the coupon code located on your BC Stack download page.

That's over 70% off the public pricing ($342 Value) on this page ONLY

Thousands of articles and blog posts written every day just disappear in our social media environment. The feed is all about what’s new and old stuff…even yesterday’s stuff, rarely resurfaces. Your audience needs you. That’s why it’s important that you are publishing new information for them to consume every week.

We want to help you do that. That’s why in the 6 packs you'll get with this bundle, we'll give you 120 professionally written articles! You can use them as emails, post them to Medium.com or LinkedIn or Facebook, as blog posts, or as content for your podcast.

We design each pack with a theme, which means the articles are really a 30, 10 or 5-day series. Invite them back to your website to read the other articles.

And then instead of looking at a blank screen trying to figure out what you’re going to create and how losing precious time…you get to start implementing, executing, growing, and making money.

It takes work to grow your email list. Real work. Think about all the time you’ve been working and what it took to put together the list you have.

Suppose you want to grow your Medium.com followers this month. How about posting your articles to Medium and then sending an email for each article to your list . . . with links to your Medium.com account. Or Goodreads. Or your Facebook group.

Instead of wondering what to write, just hit send and start growing immediately! We give you an email to go with the articles – that's 50 emails too.

If you take away the “stall” that happens when you start creating content, you get to implement and execute and grow and make money right away.

You can use all of this pre-written content as is or edit it as you see fit. Tweak it to fit your niche and your business requirements. Put your name on it and use it in your overall content marketing strategy.

Here's A Sampling of What You Get…

6 Powerful Content Bundles

The topics include…

  • Untapped Email Marketing Secrets
  • List Building Strategies
  • 30 Day Happiness Challenge
  • Declutter Your Life
  • Intermittent Fasting
  • Basics of Keto

What's Included In The 6 Bundles?

120 Articles

Each PLR pack includes professionally written and edited articles on the topic. Use them as blog posts, create a blog post series, or compile them into a short report. There is a lot you can do with this content.

50 Emails

Website content is great, but traffic is king. With these emails, not only can you send traffic to your blog at the press of a button, you are building a relationship with your audience.

50 Social Media Posts

Custom-written social media posts that go hand-in-hand with each of the articles. Use them to whip up quick Facebook posts, schedule tweets for your posts, or consider combining these little text blurbs with images for your posts and use them on Pinterest or Instagram. No matter how you use them, these social media posts make promoting your content as easy as pie.

8 Ebooks with eCovers and 3 Short Reports

6,000+ word Ebooks all about the main topic.

2 Checklists, 1 Schedule, 30 Quotes, & 10 Affiliate Product Recommendations

Use these Checklists, Worksheets and quotes to go along with the ebooks, articles and emails.

Here's Exactly What You'll Get in Each Bundle: 

Bundle #1: Untapped Email Marketing Secrets ($17 value)

This content is all focused around untapped email marketing profits. The idea is to tackle these simple tasks and make small improvements to things like your lead magnet and welcome email that will lead to bigger profits now and for months to come as the list continues to grow.

Your readers will appreciate this actionable content.  Use these articles on your blog and in your email marketing. Or put them together into a short report and use it to grow your list.

Untapped Email Marketing Profits PLR

10 Articles with 400+ Words

  • Money Up Your Lead Magnet
  • Tweak Your Welcome Email For Instant Profits
  • Your Thank You Page May Just Be The Most Valuable Page On Your Site
  • Bigger Profits From Your Autoresponder – Audit Your Existing Emails
  • Bigger Profits From Your Autoresponder – Add More Emails
  • How To Work Links Into Your Emails (affiliate and own)
  • Not Testing Your Opt-In Forms and Pages? You’re Leaving Money On The Table
  • How To Read Your Autoresponder Stats
  • Time To Fill The Holes In Your Funnel
  • Improve Your Subject Lines and CTA

Untapped Email Marketing Profits Email Marketing Articles

10 Social Media Posts

You'll also get 10 social media posts to go with the articles that can also work as blog post ideas and to share with the other content. Here's a sneak peek:

Untapped Marketing Profits Social Media Posts

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Bundle #2: List Building Strategies ($27 value)

Are you looking for quality business content to add to your blog or website? Is your audience looking for more info on email marketing and list building?

Are they interested in easy to implement strategies and ideas that will help them grow their lists faster and profit from engaged readers?

Then this PLR Bundle is for you. It includes everything you need to educate your audience about effective list building strategies and crafting a follow up email series for new subscribers.

Build your list with the included short report, post the articles to your blog, then load the emails to your autoresponder service to continually drive traffic to them. There are even social media posts ready to help you promote your content Use the included checklist as an added bonus for your readers.

List Building Strategy PLR

Short Report (3,436 Words)

The “How To Craft An Email Campaign For Your New Readers ” report will show your readers how to craft a series of targeted follow up messages to send to their subscribers right after they sign up for the list.

Topics include:

  • Plotting And Planning – What Are Your Goals?
  • The Welcome Email and Thank You Page
  • Write Them Quick and Keep It Easy
  • Load The Emails To Your Autoresponder
  • Track The Results and Listen To Feedback
  • Tweak and Plan Your Next Batch Of Emails

List Building Short Report

10 Auto-Responder Emails

Keep your readers engaged using email auto-responders.  These emails have been created to correspond with the articles in this pack to help you easily create an online course, post series with follow-up emails or anything else that you can think of to keep your readers engaged.

  1. Let's Talk About List Building
  2. 3 Popular A/R Services Reviewed
  3. Are You Using The Different Ways to Reach Your List To Their Full Advantage?
  4. Turning Blog Readers Into Email Subscribers
  5. Meet Your Readers In Places They’re Already Hanging Out In
  6. Build A Highly Targeted List And Get Paid To Do It
  7. Leverage Your Affiliates For List Building
  8. Grow Your List Exponentially With This One Little Tip
  9. This Still Works Like A Charm (Email Freebies)
  10. Improving Conversion Will Help You Grow Your List

You get the full email text, ready to edit, or just add your personal closing and add them to your autoresponder. To keep things fresh, we even include 5 different subject line ideas. Filling up your auto-responder has never been easier.

List Building Emails

10 Articles with 400+ Words

Use these articles as stand alone posts, a series on List Building, an online course or add them to your membership area.

  1. Why You Need A List (408 words)
  2. Autoresponder Providers Compared (505 words)
  3. Different Ways To Send Email – Autoresponders, Broadcast, Blog Broadcast (454 words)
  4. 3 Ways To Get Subscribers From Your Blog (463 words)
  5. Building Your List With Social Media (464 words)
  6. Building Your List With eBooks and Kindle Books (444 words)
  7. Using Affiliates To Grow Your List (481 words)
  8. Expand Your Reach By Leveraging Your Existing Subscribers (449 words)
  9. Grow Your List Faster With An Ethical Bribe (488 Words)
  10. Test Your Opt-in Forms For Better Conversions (495 words)

10 Social Media Posts

Custom written social media posts that go hand-in-hand with each of the articles. Use them to whip up quick Facebook posts, schedule tweets for your posts, or consider combining these little text blurbs with images for your posts and use them on Pinterest or Instagram. No matter how you use them, these social media posts make promoting your content as easy as pie.

10 Social Media Posts List Building

Custom Checklist

This checklist will help your audience make sure they're not missing any steps. Use it as a bonus, in a course or upload it to your membership site. It's the perfect addition to the short report.


Bundle #3: 30 Days to Happiness Challenge ($87 value)

Are you a glass half full or half empty person? This is a great example to illustrate that there are often two sides to any story and that you have a choice in how you view things. And that choice in turn determines how happy you feel. Happiness then becomes a choice you make every single day.

Happiness really is a conscious choice you make, at least to a point. Happiness is directly affected by how you think and how you choose to feel. And that’s what this pack is all about. Tips, advice, and strategies to help you make a conscious decision to be happier.

Our 30 days of Happiness will teach your readers how they can truly commit to happiness in their life.

Happiness 30 Day Challenge

30 Articles with 400+ words

Topics Include:


  • Welcome And Why Happiness Is A Choice You Make Every Day
  • Make A Commitment To Cultivating Happiness
  • What Makes You Happy?
  • Start Your Day With Gratefulness
  • The Connection Between Doing Stuff And Happiness
  • Stress Kills Happiness – Easy Ways To Destress
  • Happiness and Exercise
  • We Crave Human Connections
  • Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff – Savor It
  • Finding Happiness in a Sea Of Sadness or Overwhelm
  • Fighting Against Our Brain’s Bias To Negativity
  • Build A Support System of Happy People Around You
  • Why Getting Enough Sleep May Be The Key To Happiness
  • Boost Your Confidence And Become Happier
  • Make It A Point To Make Someone’s Day



  • When All Else Fails, Fake It
  • Keep A Journal To Practice Gratitude And Happiness
  • Learn To Deal With Negative Thoughts and Emotions
  • Live In the Moment
  • Think & Communicate In Positive Ways
  • Giving Back Makes Us Happier
  • Meditating Your Way To A Happier You
  • Trade Things For Experiences (travel instead of more stuff)
  • Happiness In Simplicity – Declutter Your Life And Your Mind
  • Stop Complaining. Take Action.
  • How Good Nutrition Can Help Your Mood
  • Sometimes You Need To Treat Yourself And Spend Some “Me” Time.
  • Happiness Is Contagious
  • Are You Noticing A Difference?
  • Let’s Make A Plan To Keep This Happiness Going


30 Emails

Each day during the challenge your readers will receive a personalized email from you with a link to the daily blog post.

The posts or articles are a good mix of tips and ideas that will inspire your readers to use their free content to build their lists. There are inspirational posts and those with strategies that your readers can take action on right away. It's a good mix of content that your audience will enjoy. Since the articles also go up on your blog and can be shared via social media, this is a great way to grow your reach and attract new readers.

This could be a free challenge to help you build your list and grow engagement with your readers, or it could be a paid product for an online business owner. The content could also easily be turned into a 30-day group coaching program all about becoming more productive.

Post each article on your blog to drive traffic there, or if you prefer, share the tips (or excerpts) on your Facebook page to drive up engagement there.

Along the way, you can, of course, monetize your emails with suggestions for different books, courses, and tools.

30 Happiness Quotes:

You'll receive 30 quotes all about Happiness to use with your emails:

Bonus – Using An Email Challenge To Grow Your List 

We put together a “how-to” guide to help you implement this PLR and use it to grow your list. Use it for this challenge, but also for any other 15 or 30 day email challenges you may want to run down the road. We've even included a section on how to  write the content for your challenge yourself. We share everything we do to run and promote these 30 day challenges and grow our lists fast. Frankly this bonus alone is well worth the price of the entire PLR bundle.

Bundle #4: Declutter Your Life ($37 value)

The Psychology of Clutter Short Report

The Psychology of Clutter will help you figure out what is causing you to hold on to possessions and accumulate more and more stuff. It doesn't include “just” physical possessions. Digital and mental clutter can be just as problematic. By digging deep and showing your readers what's causing them to clutter up their lives, it becomes easier to let go of these extra things and declutter.

Here's what this 2,000+ word short report will cover:

  • Introduction
  • Clutter Is Distracting And It Can Hurt You
  • Physical Clutter vs. Digital Clutter
  • From Minimalist To Organized Chaos – Finding Your Clutter “Sweet Spot”
  • Conclusion

Use it as a lead magnet, break the content up into a series of blog posts, or add it to your own info product.

10 Articles with 400+ words

Topics Include:

  1. 5 Reasons Why Decluttering Won’t Work
  2. Decluttering Methods of Minimalist Masters
  3. 6 Rules of Decluttering
  4. How to Handle Decluttering Overwhelm
  5. How to Declutter an Entire Room in One Afternoon
  6. What Not to Do When Deciding to Declutter
  7. 10 Tiny Decluttering Steps You Can Take Today
  8. 50 Easy Items to Toss on Your Decluttering Journey
  9. Tangible Ways Decluttering Can Improve Your Life
  10. Gain Both Comfort and Cash When You Declutter

Handy Cleaning Schedule & Checklist

Use these checklists as giveaways for your readers, freebies to build your list, or as a bonus to any of your products. Of course they make great content for your site as well. Add an introductory paragraph and monetize it with a recommended product at the end of the post, or link to product reviews.

  • How to Efficiently Clean Each Room Checklists
  • Schedule for Cleaning Tasks

Bundle #5: Intermittent Fasting Mega Bundle ($147 value)

Intermittent Fasting is the hot new trend in the self-help diet and weight loss niches. And for good reason. Not only is it incredibly easy to do (just don't eat for a couple of hours), it may also just be the cure we've been looking for to help reduce the effects of metabolic syndrome and diabetes. Not to mention the longevity benefits fasting promises.

This content has huge cross niche appeal working well for self-help, weight loss, Paleo, low carb, spiritual and alternative medicine niches to name a few.

If you're ready to get serious about getting into the profitable Intermittent Fasting niche, you'll need a bit more content and frankly an info product ready to sell wouldn't hurt either. That's why we put together the Intermittent Fasting Mega PLR bundle with a ton of articles, short reports, social media posts and a full eBook.

“The Practice and Benefits of Intermittent Fasting” – Ebook with Editable eCover (6,032)

“The Practice and Benefits of Intermittent Fasting” report will teach your readers all about the different practices of intermittent fasting and the benefits as a weight loss tool.  Topics include:

  • Different Ways to Practice Intermittent Fasting
  • Why You Should Give Intermittent Fasting a Try
  • How to Get Started With Intermittent Fasting

“The Spiritual Benefits of Fasting” – Short Report with Editable Ecover (2,014 words)

“The Spiritual Benefits of Fasting” report will show your readers the many benefits of intermittent fasting and the lessons they will learn along the way. Topics include:

  • A Lesson in Patience
  • A Lesson in Forgiveness
  • A Lesson in Contemplation and Meditation
  • A Lesson in Gratitude and Strength

preview-oto spiritual benefits of fasting

“Intermittent Fasting Made Easy” – Optin Report with Editable Ecover (1,515 words)

“Intermittent Fasting Made Easy” optin report will give your readers the tips and tricks to help them stick with intermittent fasting. Tips include:

  • Cutting the Sugar
  • Staying Well Hydrated
  • Getting Plenty of Sleep
  • Staying Busy

“Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss” – Short Report and Editable Ecover (3,771 words)

The “Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss” report will show your readers how to get started with intermittent fasting as a weight loss tool.  Topics include:

  • What Is Intermittent Fasting
  • How to Use Intermittent Fasting For Weight Loss
  • Burn More Body Fat With Intermittent Fasting
  • Intermittent Fasting Tips

“Combine Intermittent Fasting and Paleo” – Short Report and Editable Ecover (1,464 words)

The “Combine Intermittent Fasting and Paleo” report will show your readers the benefits of combining intermittent fasting with the paleo diet.  Topics include:

  • What Is Intermittent Fasting
  • Why Intermittent Fasting and Paleo Work Hand in Hand

“The Benefits of Consuming Coconut Oil in Your Fast” – Short Report and Editable Ecover (1,418 words)

The “The Benefits of Consuming Coconut Oil in Your Fast” report will show your readers the health benefits of consuming coconut oil while fasting.  Topics include:

  • What Is Coconut Oil and Where Can You Find It
  • How Coconut Oil Can Help You Lose Weight Faster
  • How Coconut Oil Can Improve Intermittent Fasting
  • Easy Ways to Sneak Coconut Oil In Your Diet

“How Sugar and Wheat Make You Fat” – Short Report and Editable Ecover (1,621 words)

The “How Sugar and Wheat Make You Fat” report will show your readers the benefits of avoiding sugar and wheat in their diet. Topics include:

  • What You Need to Know About Sugar, Wheat and Insulin
  • Insulin Controls Body Fat
  • Cutting Sugar and What From Your Diet

“Micronutrients to Power Up Your Intermittent Fast” – Short Report and Editable Ecover (1,508 words)

The “Micronutrients to Power Up Your Intermittent Fast” report will teach your readers the best things to eat while practicing intermittent fasting. Topics include:

  • Intermittent Fasting Helps Your Body Regenerate
  • Macro Nutrients vs Micronutrients
  • Making Sure You're Getting the Micronutrients You Need
  • Why Taking a Multivitamin Isn't the Answer

30 Articles 400+ words each

preview-oto articles

  1. How to Get Started With Intermittent Fasting
  2. Consuming Fat During Your Intermittent Fast
  3. Ketosis and Fasting
  4. What Is Ketosis
  5. How To Help Your Body Get Into Ketosis Faster During Your Fast
  6. Intermittent Fasting Decoded – 5:2, 16:8… and what it all means.
  7. Intermittent Fasting and Low Carb Diets
  8. How Eating LCHF can Work with Intermittent Fasting
  9. Intermittent Fasting May Not Be For You If…
  10. 5 Tips To Help Distract You From Food During Your Intermittent Fast Time
  11. Go Get A Glass Of Water And Other Helpful Advice To Make Intermittent Fasting Work For You.
  12. 3 Different Ways To Approach Intermittent Fasting
  13. How Going On A Low Carb Diet First Can Help With Fasting
  14. 3 Great Reasons To Keep Your Intermittent Fast Meals LCHF
  15. Will I lose Muscle Mass During Intermittent Fasting
  16. 3 Intermittent Fasting Myths Debunked
  17. Intermittent Fasting and Diabetes – What You Need To Know
  18. 5 Benefits Of Intermittent Fasting (easy, flexible, inexpensive, effective, saves time)
  19. How Intermittent Fasting Helps You Burn Excess Body Fat
  20. Can I Drink Coffee During My Intermittent Fast?
  21. The Benefit Of Consuming Bone Broth During Your Fast
  22. The Danger Of Consuming Sugar During Your Intermittent Fast
  23. Breaking The Sugar Habit Makes Intermittent Fasting Easier
  24. Insulin and Intermittent Fasting
  25. Alternate Day Fasting As A Form Of Intermittent Fasting
  26. Your Life Gets So Much Easier When You Only Eat One Meal Per Day
  27. How Intermittent Fasting Can Save You Time and Money
  28. Salt Supplementation During Your Intermittent Fast
  29. Broth And Water Are Your Best Cures For Fasting Side Effects
  30. No, Your Body Isn’t Going Into Starvation Mode When You Fast
  31. Using Intermittent Fasting For Mental Focus
  32. Moving From Intermittent Fasting To Traditional Fasts
  33. Reversing Insulin Resistance With Intermittent Fasting
  34. Why Intermittent Fasting Is An Effective Way To Burn Body Fat
  35. The 5 Golden Rules Of Intermittent Fasting
  36. Finding The Intermittent Fasting Method That’s Right For You
  37. Mix And Match Rules For Intermittent Fasting
  38. Working And Working Out During Your Intermittent Fast
  39. When Should You Work Out When You’re On An Intermittent Fasting Regime?
  40. Tips For Intermittent Fasting When You’re Cooking For Your Family

20 More Articles 400+ words each and Bonus Title Options

  1. What Is Fasting?
  2. There Are Many Different Ways To Fast
  3. 4 Different Reasons To Give Fasting A Try
  4. What Is Intermittent Fasting?
  5. The Health Benefits Of Intermittent Fasting
  6. How To Start Fasting For Weight Loss
  7. How Long Should You Fast
  8. Consuming Fat During An Intermittent Fast
  9. Meal Planning For Intermittent Fasting
  10. Traditional Fast Or Intermittent Fast?
  11. Using Intermittent Fasting To Slow Down The Aging Process
  12. Using Intermittent Fasting To Lose Weight
  13. Burn Fat Fast With Intermittent Fasting
  14. There’s A Reason We Call It Breakfast – How To Break Your Fast
  15. How Intermittent Fasting Can Help You Live Longer
  16. Allow Your Body To Heal – Fast
  17. You Can Do This – Intermittent Fasting Made Easy
  18. 3 Tips To Help You Stick To Your Intermittent Fast
  19. How Long Should You Maintain Your Intermittent Fasting Regime?
  20. The 16 – 8 Diet: You Can Go Without Food For 16 Hours

20 Social Media Posts

20 custom written social media posts to make it easy to promote all this IF content. Use them on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Google+ or any of your favorite social media sites to drive traffic back to your blog, optin pages, and even sales pages.

10 Affiliate Product Recommendations

Do you want a little head start when it comes to monetizing this niche? Here are 10 highly converting affiliate products you can promote in the articles, reports, eBook, or in emails to your list. Just grab your links and you're good to go.

8 Editable eCovers

Bundle #6: Basics of Keto ($27 value)

10 PLR Articles – 400+ words each

Keto PLR Articles

Topics include:

  • What Is The Keto Diet?
  • The Health Benefits Of Going Keto
  • How To Calculate Net Carbs
  • How The Keto Diet Works
  • What Can You Eat On A Keto Diet
  • Tracking Your Macros To Stay In Ketosis
  • Isn't Ketosis Dangerous?
  • Why You Lose Weight On A Keto Diet
  • The Keto Flu Explained
  • How Do I Know I'm In Ketosis?

Short Report

The above articles formatted into a short report. Use it as a lead magnet to grow your list, make it a downloadable resource for your coaching clients or members, or make it a bonus to one of your other products.

A great way to grow your list quickly is to add each of the articles to your site and then include an opt-in offer for the full report to get the other 9 pieces of content in exchange for their email address.

Keto Report

10 Auto-Responder Emails

Keep your readers engaged using email auto-responders. These emails have been created to correspond with the articles in this pack to help you easily create an online course, post series with follow-up emails, or anything else that you can think of to keep your readers engaged.

10 Social Media Posts

Custom written social media posts that go hand-in-hand with each of the articles. Use them to whip up quick Facebook posts, schedule tweets for your posts, or consider combining these little text blurbs with images for your posts and use them on Pinterest or Instagram. No matter how you use them, these social media posts make promoting your content as easy as pie.

Again, that's a total of:

  • 120 Productivity Articles (32,000+ words)
  • 50 Pre-Written Emails
  • 50 Social Media Posts you can copy/paste
  • 8 Ebooks & 3 Short Reports
  • Checklists/Quotes

What if you could have a new blog post ready to publish each week? Or better yet what if you have a new lead magnet freebie to share with your current audience each month while adding new leads to your list?  That's what these bundles can do for you.

In a perfect world, you’d publish a daily article, create emails to converse with your audience, compile helpful reports, author e-books, provide intriguing downloads for your list growth and keep your social media looking fresh. Right?

That’s an impossible task to ask a solopreneur. Especially if you have a family or another job. It’s an expensive task to ask a start-up and that’s a lot of resources wasted if you’re a large company.

As a content creation agency, our job is to stay ahead of you so you can stay ahead of your audience. We spend oodles of time creating your business daily content so you can spend time strategizing, working with clients, speaking, and making money.

Our job is to make the things that will make you successful.

And then instead of trying to figure out what you’re going to create and how you get to implement and execute and grow and make money.

Why Buy From Piggy Makes Bank?

We've been creating content since 2004 and we combined our creative skills with our marketing skills to create quality pre-written content for savvy business owners.

This is the same high-quality content you're used to just at a much lower cost. Even a brand new entrepreneur can see a huge ROI.

These packs are perfect to create opt-ins, content upgrades, or various other pieces of content to help your audience grow their list and engage their communities.

To make it quick and easy to implement, these packs will consist of either 30 or 10 articles along with supporting materials like emails, social media blurbs, and ebooks/workbooks.

Each piece of the pack was created to work seamlessly together. That said, they are just as effective when used separately. In other words, you can mix, match, and repurpose to your heart's content.

Our Content Will Help You:

Save Time

What could you do with extra time every month? That’s what we want to give you.At the beginning of every month, we want to get you to be hours ahead. As your personal content creation agency, we’re going to get into your hands all the content you need in a month to converse with your email list, post on social channels, publish on your blog and sell to your audience.

And then instead of trying to figure out what you’re going to create and how, you get to implement and execute and grow and make money  Have you had time to get all the stuff done you need to move your business forward?

Save Money

Having someone create custom content for your site is expensive. And it can be a risky move for a small business. Will you ever recoup the hundreds of dollars you paid that ghost writer?

PLR gives you custom content on a budget. A few edits and tweaks make it unique to your site and perfect for your ideal target audience. Business owners and bloggers have used pre-written content as their secret weapon for years. Isn't it time you gave it a try?

Save Sanity

We want to show you how to give that fun to your audience. We help you keep them engaged by giving you the tools to engage them. And then instead of trying to figure out what you’re going to create and how, you get to implement and execute and grow and make money.

Grab these full bundles now before it's too late