It is really cold out here this morning. Tracy is digging out her sweaters and Susanne's on a 2 hour school delay (so the kids don't get frostbite waiting for the bus) and worried about pipes freezing. Since we're both living in the South, this isn't a normal winter worry for us. We also both woke up to a lot of social media chatter about temperatures.

If you've been playing around with social media, you know it's all about engagement and getting your “tribe” to not only read your messages, but reply, share, like and the likes. If you could use a little engagement boost today, here's an idea:

Take a screenshot of a weather app on your phone, or go to and take a screen shot of what the temperature and windchill are where you are at. Or you could go old school and take a picture of a thermometer outside (like the one below).

How Temperature Can Help With Social Media

Share it on  your social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc. ) and watch the comments and replies pour in.

We find doing these types of posts is particularly helpul with Facebook pages. You want to get your engagement and talking about numbers up to get Facebook to share all your posts with more of the people that have liked your page. Give it a try if you'd like to grow your reach and interaction on social media.

We have a few other ideas for engaging social media posts. If you're a member of Profitable Projects pop over to the forum today for more post ideas.

Stay warm today!

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