Small and funny pink piglet in pen

We’re all in this to make money, right? It doesn’t matter if you are an affiliate marketer, an info product creator or a blogger with sponsored posts and paid advertisement. But here’s the thing. Before one of your readers or followers will consider taking out their wallet, they have to know, like and trust you. And the best way to accomplish that is with great, useful content. Help your readers solve a problem or get better at something.

Be smart about it. Come up with a content plan you can stick with. It’ll grow your traffic, your list and your bottom line. This blog post about Content Marketing Strategies from helps you do just that.


Content Marketers with a plan are more successful.  According to CMI and MarketingProfs, 66% of the most effective marketers have a documented content marketing strategy. But how do you apply this thinking in a practical way?


It’s an interesting read with lots of great little bacon bytes sprinkled in. In fact, the whole post is a infographic deconstructed.

Are you planning your content and using it to it’s fullest advantage? I’ve been content marketing since 2004 and am still learning and getting better at it week after week.

I’ll leave you with my favorite quote from the post.

“Content is King […]  Context is Queen”

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