How and when do affiliate marketers get paid?
Payment times and methods vary from affiliate program to affiliate program, but the majority of online affiliate programs pay their affiliate commissions the month after sales have been made.
Let’s say you referred 5 visitors to a site that converted into sales for that company in the month of January. In a program that pays the month after, you would receive your commissions for those five sales sometime in February.
As for how affiliate marketers get paid, I stated in an earlier post that Paypal is a very common method of payment for affiliate managers. Some also pay by paper check or direct deposit into a checking or savings account. And some will give you the choice of how to be paid.
You’ll need to verify payment percentages and dates with each program you sign up for.
Easy peasy! Do you have enough information to get started with affiliate marketing or do you need more information? Leave your questions in the comments and I'll do my best to answer them for you.
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