When I first started to make some money at home I was really only trying to make a bit extra each month, something that would supplement my regular income and keep the lights turned on.

Over the next few months I discovered that there were moms who worked at home on the internet full time doing all sorts of different things and it intrigued me.  So much so that I started an internet radio show just to feature these amazing women and learn more about what they were doing.  I had no idea where that would end up leading me but I was definitely inspired.

Do you want to be inspired?

There is a terrific free event planned for that very purpose, to inspire and encourage new work at home moms with awesome stories and solid resources.  It's called Totally Free Tuesday and it's coming up on Tuesday, September 14th.  It's an all day event with multiple speakers, all held in an easy to access web conference room.

Come check it out and who knows?  Maybe you'll inspiring others one of these days?

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