I keep hearing that women have a knack for being entrepreneurs. Some say because being a mom is the best training you can possibly receive for doing all of the things entrepreneurs must do. Think about it: if you run your own business you are not only the CEO, but also the shipping department, customer service hotline, PR department, and even the janitor. I found this article to support this theory:

“I would argue that raising children is some of the best training for running a business that a person can have. Anyone can take a class in accounting or marketing, but real hands-on leadership experience is harder to come by. Any woman raising small children is immersed in a daily leadership program, training them to be a successful entrepreneur.

Successful entrepreneurs should be able to:

1) Deal calmly with crises – whether it is a delayed product shipment or a stolen bicycle, unexpected crises are part of life. Moms have the ability to keep everyone calm, focus on the big picture and strategize a solution.

2) Multi-task – Moms are the original multi-taskers, juggling dinner, ironing, feeding the baby and helping with homework. This makes them perfectly suited for simultaneously making outbound calls, responding to email and approving a marketing campaign.

3) Soothe angry customers – Moms have much experience dealing with tantrums, outbursts and tirades. While they can’t send angry customers to their rooms, they can listen empathetically, give them space to calm down and get them focused on solving the problem together.

4) Negotiate – Moms instinctively know which items are negotiable (15 minutes past bedtime, an extra dessert) and which are not (coming home after dark, riding bikes in the street). They know when to give in, and when to stand firm and how to bake a bigger pie so everyone gets a piece.

5) Delegation – Moms know that it’s more important that their son makes his bed than that he makes it perfectly. Progress not perfection is the key. Whether dealing with her children or her employees, she knows that by giving them both the task and the responsibility, she frees herself up to contribute in ways that only she can.

So, the next time you start to doubt whether you have the relevant experience necessary to run your own business, remind yourself that you already have your MBA – Mom’s Business Administration degree!” (Liz Fuller)

Thanks, Liz, I couldn't have said it better myself!

Be sure to check out our Crafty Moms section for some great Halloween craft ideas.

Suzanne Wells, Mompreneur

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