SMO for Solo Mastermind Members Only

Give us five minutes and we’ll show you how to how to make the extra money you need quickly while keeping your customers happy without sacrificing quality and value.

Quick Cash In A Pinch – While Making Your Customers and Readers Feel Special

We both know what it's like to have something come up out of the blue that requires a good bit of cash… in fact, no matter how well we pad our savings account it still happens.

And you know what…. it's ok to run a fire sale and make quite a bit of cash in a hurry. We'll show you how to do it with integrity and give so much value to your customers and readers that they'll be thanking you for running the sale.

Here are just a couple of reasons why we may need a little extra money quickly:

  • My car broke down and we need a new transmission.
  • The freezer stopped working and I just don't have the money in the bank to buy a new one.
  • I'd really like to take my kids on a vacation this summer.
  • Taxes are due and I have no idea how to pay them.
  • I lay awake at night worrying about what to do if one of my income streams dries up.
  • I want to be able to pay for my daughter's college text books in a few weeks.
  • I chipped a tooth and my insurance doesn't cover dental.

Let's face it… life is going to keep throwing you curve balls. And more often than not, they are going to take it out on your wallet and your bank account.

When Life Gives You Lemons – Make Lemonade

Hi – We're Tracy and Susanne and we've both had our share of financial emergencies.

Tracy Roberts
Susanne Myers

In fact, the idea for this eBook was born out of the need to raise $400 quickly. We had planned to meet at a Marketing Conference in Atlanta and had saved up the money for travel. Less than a month before the trip, Tracy's car broke down and the repair cost ate up her whole travel budget.

She was ready to cancel the trip until we put our heads together and came up with a  fire sale. Tracy took a chance and headed to Atlanta…

Can We Raise $400 In A Weekend?

Our goal was to generate $400 in profits over a long weekend to pay for the trip.

We reached that goal within a matter of hours. By the time the sale was over, Tracy had an extra $4,000 in her pocket and was asked to share what she did on stage during the conference.

But it didn't stop there….

There's a reason we called this the Win -Win – Win – Win project. Not only did Tracy make a nice chunk of change during this inaugural fire sale, but so did Susanne and a host of other contributors and affiliates. And customers who bought the fire sale bundle were raving about the contents.

All in all it was a huge success and we want to share with you what we've learned about running success full Fire Sales.

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Introducing The Win Win Project (by Tracy Roberts & Susanne Myers)

Find out how to run your first fire sale, how to get great contributions and how to avoid 3 potential major pitfalls.

Here's What We've Got For You:

Part 1 – The Win Win Win Win Project Guide

We'll start things off with the guide. Inside this 31 page guide you'll learn
  • What A Fire Sale Is And When To Run One.
  • Great reasons why you may want to hold a fire sale … and making money is just one of the reasons. It's also a great way to increase your reach and create some buzz for your biz.
  • Ho to ensure you're firesale is a win for everyone involved including customers, participants and affiliates.
  • A step by step process for running your first firesale, complete with examples.
  • Potential pitfalls that can cost you BIG (and how to avoid them).
  • 3 Must Have's for any successful firesale.
  • Case studies complete with screen shots showing you exactly how we've fun our firesales in the past.

Part 2 – The Checklists

checkmarkGreenThere are some logistics to setting up a burning hot fire sale and there's some work involved. To make sure you stay on task and rock this, we're sharing the check lists we use every time we run a sale.

Part 3 – The Follow Up

discussion-groupLast but not least we have you covered if you have some questions. No matter how thorough we tried to be in the guide and the check lists, we're sure you'll have some questions.
That's why we've set up a Secret, Totally Private Facebook Group where you can get in touch with us and ask away.
More importantly though, you'll also be able to connect with other bloggers and website owners interested in running a fire sale. Exchange ideas and participate in each other's fire sales.

Here's What We Want You To Do Next …

Click the order button below to be part of the Win-Win-Win-Win Project.
Once you get to the download area, you'll find the guide, the check lists and information on how to join the FB group.
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