Do I need special training to become an affiliate marketer?

In short, no you do not need any special training to become an affiliate marketer. However, understanding how Affiliate Marketing works in order to get started and be successful at it is a plus. We’ve already covered what Affiliate Marketing is in this report so you’ve got that part of the equation covered.

A few things you will need to get started are:

  •  A website or blog to promote your affiliate products on.  Although there are ways to be an affiliate marketer without a website it's easier if you have one.  I'll share information on how you can promote affiliate products and services without a website in a later post.
  •  A PayPal account. – The most popular form of payment for affiliate program owners is Paypal, but some do offer to send your commissions via regular mail in the form of a check. If you don’t have a Paypal account you can sign up for one for free at
  • An understanding of those whom you will be promoting the products and services to. You need to know how you're talking to so you can make effective and relevant recommendations.

There are many resources available online that can help you succeed as an affiliate marketer by giving you a more in depth look at the process. Here are just a few that I recommend. – This site not only lists some great affiliate programs for those who market to moms, Internet marketing niches, and more, but you can also sign up to receive free tips to learn more about Affiliate Marketing.

Affiliate Classroom Magazine – Although no longer a supported site, it still has wonderful information and you can get a free copies Affiliate Classroom Magazine filled with a plethora of information on Affiliate Marketing here.

Super Affiliate Handbook – This is THE guide to help you with your Affiliate Marketing efforts and one I use over and over.

Bonus: Free Affiliate eBook  – Excellent report available for download on this page.

Do you have a good resource for affiliate marketing we should know about?  Please share with us in the comments below.

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