cookiesWe just launched another freebie PLR pack here at Piggy Makes Bank and it got me thinking about the benefits of promoting free stuff like this as an affiliate. After all, you’re not making a cent when your people pick up a free pack like this or any other kind of freebie marketing material.

There are a couple of very good reasons to promote freebies… both as an online business owner and as an affiliate. Let’s go over them one by one.

You’re Building Good Will 

Nobody likes to be sold to all the time. Yes, we have to make offers to make a living as online marketers, but not every single thing you share, blog about, or email to your list has to be an offer. Often it pays to simply create some goodwill with your audience.

Share something free with them just because you think they will get some value out of it. What that free thing is is entirely up to you. It could be sharing a tip or a story via email, writing a detailed “how-to” blog post, recording a video series etc.

Or it could be sharing free content that someone else put together. Look around in the affiliate centers of the different products and services you promote. Or approach the product owner and see if there’ something free they can give you to share. If you’re lucky, you may even get something exclusive for your readers.

Doing this build a lot of good will. It hows your audience that you care and aren’t just in it for the commission.

You’re Warming Them Up And Pre-selling 

By sharing a high quality resource with your audience for free, you’re showing them that the people or company you’re recommending know what they are talking about. Let’s take Piggy Makes Bank PLR for example.

We have a big PLR launch coming up about Intermittent Fasting. It could turn into a very nice pay day for our affiliates, if their list is responsive to the offer. And a great way to make sure your readers are ready to buy is to show them that we offer high quality PLR content.

An easy way to do that and introduce us to your readers is by sharing the free Walking for Fitness PLR pack we just launched. Grab your affiliate link for the pack and send a little email to your list introducing us and inviting your readers to download the complimentary pack so they can see for themselves that we write great stuff.

Then come launch day, they trust both you and us and are ready to hit that buy button as soon as the product goes live.

Cookies Baby … and in our case “Super Cookies” 

Last but not least, let’s talk about the main reason affiliates like to share free content… it’s cookies. Cookies keep track of who you sent to someone’s website. And the idea is that after they download the free content, they end up buying something and you get a commission.

Great concept, but in theory it doesn’t always work so well. If for example your reader downloads the free content from their computer, then a few days later they see an email from the merchant about a paid product and they buy it from their phone, their tablet, or their computer at work, you – the affiliate – don’t get credit since the cookie is saved on the home computer. Or the customer regularly deletes cookies or has them set to auto-delete each time they close their browser. In other words, while cookies are great, they don’t always work.

Which is why we don’t rely on regular old cookies when we’re inviting affiliates to share our free stuff (or any of our products). Instead what happens is this. You sent someone our way and they download one of our free PLR packs. To do that they will give their name and email address like any other freebie download. But what happens is that our shopping cart creates a customer contact for this person and your affiliate ID is permanently attached to this customer. The only time someone else would get the commission is if “your” customer buys as a result of a direct click from another affiliate’s link. If they buy something else down the road when they browse the PLR shop or as a result of one of our emails, the commissions will go again to you.

And as we follow up with our customers and prospects, they end up buying a PLR pack, and another, and another… and each time that happens, no matter if it’s 2 hours after you send them our way or two years down the road, you get the commission.

And since this is a permanent database entry instead of a cookie, it doesn’t matter what computer or digital device they use to order. You still get the commission. I think you’ll agree it’s a pretty cool “super cookie”.

Ready to start promoting Piggy Makes Bank PLR? If you’re already an affiliate of ours (Thank you!), log in here and grab your link to one of our free or paid packs. If not, you can sign up for our affiliate program here.

Any questions? Just shoot us an email. We’re always happy to help.



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