Becoming a work at home mom can be one of the most rewarding decisions of your life. The downside is that it can also become a huge stress on your romantic relationship. After taking care of business, children, and your home all day, it can be difficult to switch into a romantic frame of mind by the time your partner finally walks through the door. So how in the world do you keep the romance alive when you're just plain tired and stressed out? Here are ten tips that you can start implementing today to rekindle the spark:
1. End your work day at least 30 minutes before your partner arrives home. This gives you a few moments to yourself in which you can reflect on your day, destress, and gradually ease yourself out of work mode.
2. If you prefer working in your pajamas and fuzzy slippers during the day, that's fine. However, make sure that by the time your partner arrives home you are dressed in your “real clothes”. Pajamas may be more comfortable, but they don't usually promote feelings of romance.
3. Keep your work area as seperate from your living area as possible. When your work day is done don't give into the temptations of checking your emails, your order status, or making “just one more” business call. Once you get into this routine you and your partner will both benefit.
4. Spend some alone time together every single day, even if it's just a few minutes after the kids are in bed. Spend some time talking, snuggling on the couch, or even eating a late-night snack together.
5. Try to get out of the house together as often as possible. Go for a drive, see a movie, walk around the neighborhood, or just sit outside and look at the stars. You don't have to leave your own backyard or spend a lot of money to spend quality time together outside of the home.
6. Address any problems in the relationship right away and in a conversational manner. Avoid letting these negative feelings build up and explode later.
7. Do something special for your partner everyday. This can be as elaborate as planning a fancy candlelight dinner, or as simple as replacing all of the pencils on his desk with freshly sharpened ones. Little things to let him know you care are always appreciated and noticed more than you might think.
8. Don't neglect your other responsibilities. Letting a home-based business take over your life is certainly an easy thing to do. Make sure you are still completeing the everyday tasks that you are responsible for, or arrange to swap certain duties with your partner if this would be more appropriate.
9. Use physical gestures regularly. The most obvious things like hugs, kisses, back rubs, and foot massages are great ways to keep the closeness between you and your partner alive. Don't forget however, that more subtle gestures can be just as powerful. A light touch on his arm in the kitchen, a hand on his leg while watching tv, or stroking his hair while riding in the car can all send positive signals.
10. Last but not least, be sure to tell your partner that you love them everyday. If you usually only say the words “I love you” at the end of phone conversations, or when leaving the house, make a serious effort to include these words at other times too.
Sounds easy enough right? That's because it is! The sooner you put these tips into practice, the sooner you will see results. Now, go get romantic!
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Heather Crowley is a full-time eBay seller and freelance writer. She also owns and operates The Auction Chick, a website dedicated to helping moms work from home by selling on eBay. To learn more and share your thoughts, visit
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