Introducing the

Financial Management for Small Business Masterclass
PLR Course Pack

Everything you need to launch your own course in days!

"The most time-consuming part of launching a new course is putting together the slides.”

What if you had everything you needed at your fingertips so you could sit down and record a video course today...

If you've been thinking about putting a course together that included video lessons, but don't know where to start, this is for you...

Help Your Audience Master Their Business Finances Without the Overwhelm

What if you could offer your audience a solution to master their small business finances, avoid costly mistakes, and drive growth using simple, actionable strategies? No advanced degrees or expensive consultants required!

This comprehensive PLR package allows you to provide essential financial insights to small business owners, empowering them with the knowledge they need to manage their finances effectively. You can deliver this valuable content as is or customize it to suit your audience’s unique needs.

Ready to Equip Your Audience with Proven Financial Management Strategies?

The world of business finance can seem overwhelming to many small business owners. With constant information overload, it’s easy for them to think that financial control requires expensive consultants, high-end software, or endless paperwork.

But what if you could offer them a way to simplify the process?

With this PLR, you’ll provide straightforward strategies that make financial management accessible and achievable for every business owner. Your audience will learn how to manage their budget, track expenses, and improve cash flow without the hassle.

No gimmicks, no hidden costs—just simple, effective financial strategies they can implement today.

What Your Audience Will Gain from the Financial Management for Small Businesses PLR

When you share this comprehensive ten-module course, your audience will gain all the tools they need to master financial management. Whether they’re new to financial concepts or looking to fine-tune their practices, these lessons will guide them every step of the way.

Help Your Audience Achieve Financial Success

Here’s what your audience will learn through the content you provide:

  • Discover the key reasons financial management is crucial for their business success and how to start today.
  • Explore essential financial concepts, such as budgeting and cash flow management, and how to apply them.
  • Create a budget that aligns with their business goals and adjust it as needed.
  • Track expenses effectively and reduce unnecessary costs, boosting profitability.
  • Understand financial statements and how to use them for smarter decision-making.
  • Use financial ratios to assess the health of their business and guide their future growth.
  • Navigate small business taxes and learn the benefits of consulting a tax professional.
  • Discover the best financial software and tools to streamline their processes.
  • Get answers to common financial management questions and tackle typical small business challenges.

Why Choose This PLR for Your Audience?

As a content creator or coach, you want to give your audience the tools they need to succeed. With the Financial Management for Small Businesses PLR, you can share practical financial strategies that empower small business owners to take control of their finances and drive growth.

You can customize the content, use it as part of a training program, or create a valuable lead magnet that will keep your audience engaged and coming back for more.

Video courses are a great way to show off your expertise and help your audience reach their goals. They can be easy to put together with simple tools (most of them available for free online), but there's one problem that might be holding you back. 

Putting together the actual course material takes time.

At minimum, you have to:

  • Figure out what you want to cover. 
  • Create slides.
  • Add bonuses. 
  • Record the videos.

Now, if you've created a course yourself, you know that recording the lessons is the probably the quickest part of the whole process. 

But what if you had a short cut?

What if you had everything you needed to start recording your lessons today?

That's exactly what we're offering...

We like to make it easy-peasy lemon squeezy....

Step One

Edit and brand the slides. We'll show you how. 

Step Two

Sit down and record. We'll tell you exactly what tools we use.

Step Three

Share your course with your audience! 

Creating Your First or Next Course Doesn't Have To Be Hard or Time Consuming.

We've taken care of the the hard part for you. 

With this exclusive PLR course bundle, you get a set of professionally crafted slides that make it easy for you to record each video for this ten-part course.

Read through the slides, edit and tweak as you see fit, make some notes if that's helpful for you, and you're ready to record. 

Really, it's that simple. 

Creating the course once the outline and slides are done, is the easy part. It's also the most fun one. Sit in front of your computer and get busy teaching. Let yourself shine

Starting with a PLR pack like this one, makes it possible for you to create more products to help your audience. Teach them the skills they need to learn.

In this case, show them how to make the most of each day. 

We all have only one truely limited resource - time.

No one gets more than twenty-four hours in a day. If we can be more productive and more efficient, we are left with more hours for the fun stuff. That's something everyone wants, making this product an easy sell once you get it put together. 

Here's what you get:


Ten Slide Decks. One for each module of the course you're creating.

Use the slide deck for your online course to enhance visual engagement, helping to break down complex information into easily digestible parts. They provide a clear structure and keeps the content organized, making it easier for learners to follow along. These visual elements can reinforce key concepts, improving comprehension and retention.


A Course Outline. To keep you on track. It includes everything that will be in the course.


Module 2 – Fundamental Financial Concepts & Terms

  • Key Financial Management Principles
  • Basic Financial Terminology
  • Profit & Loss
  • Assets, Liabilities & Equity
  • Financial Planning & Forecasting


 A Sales Page Template. Copy and paste. Fill in a few blanks. Add your order button and you're ready to go. 

Report & Workbook. To give away as downloads to your students.

Social Media Posts. To build interest and educate others on the topic.

Bonuses. Including freebies, graphic to share, email/copywriting template, recourse list, checklists, blog article template and additional worksheets.

  • Budget Template
  • Checklist
  • Common Questions
  • Dos & Don'ts
    Fundamental Financial Concepts & Terms
  • Quiz
  • Tools & Software

Ready to grab your copy of the Financial Management for Small Business Masterclass PLR Course Bundle?

  • 1
    Skip The Tedious Research Phase: We've done all the hard work for you. Skip ahead of the line and get started on the fun part of course creation.
  • 2
    Start Recording Your Course Today: With this PLR pack, you have everything you need to hit record today!
  • 3
    Time to Shine: It's time for you to step into the spotlight and show your audience how they can can grow their business with content marketing. Help them with all the strategies involved with content marketing strategies.  

Here's a recap of what's included:

  • Ten Slide Decks. One for each module of the course you're creating.
  • A Course Outline. To keep you on track. It includes everything that will be in the course.
  •  A Sales Page Template. Copy and paste. Fill in a few blanks. Add your order button and you're ready to go.
  • Report & Workbook. To give away as downloads to your students.
  • Social Media Posts. To build interest and educate others on the topic.
  • Bonuses. Including freebies, graphics to share, goal visualization exercise, and additional worksheets.
  • A Step-By-Step Breakdown of how to create the course. We'll share the exact tools and process we use to create our courses to help you do the same...and do so quickly.

Worried You Don't Have the Know-How Or The Tech To Create The Course?

We get it. The tech part of creating a course can be pretty intimidating.

  • How do you record? 
  • Do you have to be on the screen (no, you don't)?
  • How do you download and deliver the video portion of the course.
  • How about the bonus material? 

If this side of creating an online video course is holding you back, please keep reading.

We've been there and we dragged our feet for years ... not only on course creation, but getting our first products up, and even starting a PLR biz.

All that to say that we understand and ... 

We Have You Covered

That's why we put together several tutorials to help you get up and running quickly.

We'll share the exact tools we use and give you a few different options if you're bootstrapping this first course.

There's a step-by-step tutorial for recording and delivering your course and one to help you brand and customize the slides to fit your business.

In short, you get everything you need to start recording this Financial Management for Small Business Masterclass today! 

"The Secret To Getting Things Done Is To Act" - Dante Alighieri

P.S.: Let's talk numbers for a second. You can easily charge $97 for a ten-module video course on Financial Management for Small Business Masterclass PLR Course. Sell the course you've created to more than one person and you'll be in the black. What do you have to lose? Grab this offer, download the content and get to work! You could have your course up for sale in a couple of days. 

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