What could you do with an extra 80 hours a month?
That's what we want to give you.
At the beginning of every month we want to get you 80 hours ahead.
As your personal content creation agency, we’re going to get into your hands all the business content you need in a month to converse with your email list, post on social channels, publish on your blog and sell to your audience.
And then instead of trying to figure out what you’re going to create and how, you get to implement and execute and grow and make money.
Have you had time to get all the stuff done you need to move your business forward?
In a perfect world, you’d publish a daily article, create emails to converse with your audience, compile helpful reports, author e-books, provide intriguing downloads for your list growth and keep your social media looking fresh. Right?
That’s an impossible task to ask a solopreneur. Especially if you have a family or another job. It’s an expensive task to ask a start-up and that’s a lot of resources wasted if you’re a large company.
As a content creation agency, our job is to stay ahead of you so you can stay ahead of your audience. We spend oodles of time creating your business daily content so you can spend time strategizing, working with clients, speaking and making money.
Our job is to make the things that will make you successful.
And then instead of trying to figure out what you’re going to create and how, you get to implement and execute and grow and make moneyWhen you outsource your content creation to us, we’ll make you more efficient the first day of every month.
You’ll get:
That means at the beginning of every month you’ve got 80 hours of work in your hands ready to execute, implement and sell and it only costs you $47. That’s not some limited time special. That’s not to hook you in and charge you $500/month down the line. That’s all we charge our clients.
For the price of an oil change.
And when you join today, you get all this month’s content immediately, adding 80 hours of completed work to your month’s assets and making you instantly more productive.
Our clients can’t get enough of it . . .
“The diversity of the topics and content are amazing! I’ve enjoyed implementing both personally and professionally.”
“Writing from scratch is not my strong point, so the information provided helps me get past that and get my posts, email and more done. From blog posts to challenges and reports to e-books, they have so much that makes it incredibly easy to create content for my business so I can focus on the fun stuff”
“I love the content that Piggy Makes Bank provides. It makes my life so much easier”
“For one . . . (Piggy Makes Bank content) doesn't stall the start. Blinking cursor on a blank page is hard. It's hard to come up with ideas and words. The ladies bring both and they are good!!!” - Jessica Mae Stafford-TheProfitHero.com
Yes, that may be the list, but . . .
This is is how we’re going to help you grow your audience, make more money & stop losing precious time figuring out what to do!
Why 30 professionally written business articles?
Thousands of articles and blog posts written every day just disappear in our social media environment. The feed is all about what’s new and old stuff, even yesterday’s stuff, rarely resurfaces. Your audience needs you. That’s why it’s important that you are publishing new information for them to consume every week.
We want to help you do that. That’s why we give you 30 professionally written articles every month. You can use them as emails, post them to Medium.com or LinkedIn or Facebook, as blog posts, or as content for your podcast.
Each month’s articles have a theme, which means the articles are really a 30 day series. Invite them back to your website to read the others.
And then instead of looking at a blank screen trying to figure out what you’re going to create and how, losing precious time, with content from our Business Content Plan you get to start implementing, executing, growing and making money.
Why 30 engaging emails?
It takes work to grow your email list. Real work. Think about all the time you’ve been working and what it took to put together the list you have.
Suppose you want to grow your Medium.com followers this month. How about posting your articles to Medium and then sending an email for each article to your list . . . with links to your Medium.com account. Or Goodreads. Or your Facebook group.
Instead of wondering what to write, just hit send and start growing immediately!
We give you 30 – one for each article.
If you take away the “stall” that happens when you start creating content, you get to implement and execute and grow and make money right away
Why 30 social media posts?
You and I both know that if you don’t post on the page for even a few days, you already look outdated. And we also know that if you spend all your time posting on social media then you can’t be building new courses, creating products and working with clients.
What you really need is a healthy mix. That’s why we give you 30 posts designed to drive traffic back to your articles. That way you don’t have to spend 45 minutes coming up with a way to write about your article. Instead, spend 2 minutes then get right back to client work, being a guest on another podcast or creating content for your membership.
And if you need to spend time everyday attending to your social audience, then use the posts we create for you to keep your feed occupied in the morning so you can be busy on other things.
And then instead of trying to figure out what you’re going to say, you get to implement and execute and grow and make money.
Why would I need a 30 Chapter Report too?
This is where the magic happens.
We take all 30 articles and put them in a professional “report”.
At the end of every article you can say “If you want to learn more about this, download the full report right now by clicking here”. And through that your list will grow.
And then every month you’ll have a new one. Because there are people in your sphere of influence who just haven’t bought something from you or subscribed to your list. With a new report every month, they’ll have ample opportunity to do so.
And then finally after years of working online you’ll start to see steady growth in email subscribers, followers, likes, shares and engagement. All because you have something valuable to give.
And then instead of trying to figure out how you’re going to build your list, you get to implement and execute and grow and make money.
And . . . and . . . and a 6, 000+ word ebook, every month?
Suppose an article intrigues an audience member and they optin to get your free 30 chapter report. Why not offer them a complete ebook on the subject for $7 more? At least try it. They can only pass on the offer, right? But a percentage will be in the right mindset to learn as much as they can at that moment and will take you up on it.
How long would it take you to build an ebook so you could have an upsell? And would you ever get it done?
The ebook off will make you more than the cost of our Business Content Plan every month. All by itself.
With our Business Content Plan you could have this month’s ebook in 5 minutes and be selling it in 10.
That’s why we do this. Instead of trying to figure out what you’re going to create and how, you get to implement and execute and grow and make money
That’s not all. How about a workbook?
(I hear you . . . “why would I need a workbook?”)
Look, your audience has lots of options to learn what they need to learn. They could go to YouTube and probably find a tutorial. They could ask questions in a Facebook group. But if you can make your offer so compelling it’s a no brainer, they’ll buy from you for sure. An ebook is a good offer, but an accompanying workbook makes it a much better value.
OR maybe the workbook becomes the companion piece they download when listening to your podcast. You need a reason for them to go to your website and subscribe, right?
Well tell them every week you’ll have an actionable workbook to go with each episode.
That’s the whole point of this. What do you have to do to double, triple and quadruple the size of your business? You need a team of people helping you. That’s what we’re offering you.
And then instead of trying to figure out what you’re going to do, you get to implement and execute and grow and make money.
And a guide to learn how to do 30 day email challenges
Keep your audience engaged and excited. Every once in a while (or every month!) throw in a 30 day email challenge. When you want to want to lose weight or learn a language or beat your dad at basketball, isn’t it more fun with a challenge?
We want to show you how to give that fun to your audience.
And then instead of trying to figure out what you’re going to create and how, you get to implement and execute and grow and make money.
Then we sprinkle a little Hollywood magic . . .
What’s the hidden weapon of Hollywood? What’s the one thing that brings people back to the theater weekend after weekend? It’s the previews and those posters on the wall by the ticket booth. Hollywood has done an amazing job at getting you excited about “what’s coming soon”.
We want to give you that power as well. So we give you a calendar of what topics we’ll be covering over the next two months so you can get your audience excited. Imagine ending every email with “Stay Tuned! Next month we’ll be teaching you all about Instagram” “. . .all about Facebook Ads” “. . . all about email marketing”.
Imagine being able to actually “launch” a product!! Make graphics to get people excited. Do preview webinars . . . start to build an interest list. And even pre-sell.
We help you keep them engaged by giving you the tools to engage them. And then instead of trying to figure out what you’re going to create and how, you get to implement and execute and grow and make money.
Join us at our Private Forum at MastermindHub.com
Tell them all about this other great thing that they also get. Maybe it’s access to a members-only facebook group or online forum. If so, tell them about it here!
Tell them why this bonus feature of your course is going to help them achieve even more than what you’ve already outlined in the modules above. 1-on-1 coaching calls, downloadable workbooks, cheat sheets… whatever it is, mention it in this section.
Which one of these is you?
What do you think it would take to double your sales, your followers, your list size every month?
Imagine how quickly you could grow your engagement and increase your reach if you were able to share great content with your email list, on your blog, across your social media channels and any opportunity that comes your way – all month, every month.
You see other people doing it.
You’re probably on email lists from people who have well designed emails, monthly challenges, and great content every month. Doesn’t it seem like only big companies with big teams could do that?
Well it’s not! We turn entrepreneurs into well-oiled machines every month.
The only thing that is stopping you is TIME.
Because while you’re taking two or three days to write an email series, the clock is ticking and all the stuff you wanted to have gotten done is still not done. All your big ideas get put on hold.
That’s the problem we solve for you. We give you time.
And then instead of trying to figure out what you’re going to create and how, you get to implement and execute and grow and make money.
YES! I Want To Start Immediately!
YES! I Want To Start Immediately!
Frequently Asked Questions
I already joined at the monthly rate, if I buy a year in advance can I get a discount?
Is this Membership right for me?
When do I receive the content?
What are the terms of use?
How do I access my subscription?
When am I billed?
What if I want to cancel?
What if I have another question?

100% Satisfaction Guarantee for 30-Days
It has been proven time and time again that offering a satisfaction guarantee or refund policy increases sales. And not just by a little bit. It makes a noticeable difference to conversions.
This section is important. Right after you’ve introduced the price of your online course, you need to do everything you can to alleviate purchase anxiety. As soon as a visitor sees the price, they will start to think of all the reasons why they shouldn’t buy. That’s why it’s important to have your refund policy immediately after the first time your price is mentioned.
A Personal Note From Susanne & Tracy
This is your final chance to offer a personalised encouragement to your visitor. Warmly explain that this course is something you are proud of and that you hope to they’ll sign up so you can help them overcome their problems and get that amazing result!