You Are A Smart Marketer
Content creation can take up a large chunk of your day. Or you can outsource it, but that gets expensive quickly. If only there was a third option. There is and we’ll show you how to step up your content marketing without having to spend all day writing and how to do it at the fraction of the cost of hiring a ghost writer or assistant. The secret is pre-written content.
After all, you purchased the BC Stack this year. You know that as an online marketer, blogger, or affiliate, you know you need content and lots of it. You need it for your blog, your emails, your lead magnets and if you’re selling you own digital products, guess what? Those are content as well. And then there’s social media content … The list goes on and on.
Here's What You Get When You Say Yes
The Smart Marketer's Guide To Outsourcing Content Marketing e-Book
Over the course of 29 short lessons, this guide will teach you how to use high-quality PLR in the most efficient and profitable ways. You’ll be pleasantly surprised how much you can get done in a day when you don’t have to do the writing from scratch. You’ll be coming back to these easy-to-implement lessons again and again.
BONUS Ebook + Workbook
Boost Your PLR ROI: How To Make The Most From Each Piece of PLR Content You Buy
You also receive this additional guide and workbook to dive deeper.
The trick to profiting and increasing your ROI with PLR is to know what you’re going to use it for, why you’re buying it, and to develop a plan to publish it, promote it, and make money from it before you even make your purchase.
Inside this ebook + workbook you’ll learn the importance of developing a plan and then implementing that plan so that you can make the most of every single PLR purchase you make.
BONUS Gift Certificate
Get ONE Product of Your Choice FREE
Once you've gone through the Smart Marketer's Guide to Outsourcing Content Marketing and the Boost Your PLR ROI Ebook +Workbook you'll be ready to grab some pre-written content and get started.
We're giving you your choice of any ONE product we have in our store for FREE. All you need to do is use the coupon code provided on the download page.
It doesn't matter if the product is $10 or $110 - you get to choose the product that's best for your business.
Don't forget to put all of the stuff you learned to good use.
What are you waiting for?